Flashing Graphics Issue

Hello all.

I have an FX6300 OC’d to 4.7, 16G RAM and a GTX960 4GB. I used to be able to play this game just fine - however after attempting to give it another try after not playing for a while, I now have this issue where the graphics flash continously. Happens in both the main screen, and in-game. It’s not just the sky, everything flashes at a pretty rapid pace. Any ideas what might be going on? My drivers are up to date, and nothing else has changed regarding my system… This issue does not occur with any other games, just this one.

Thanks in advance.

Hmmm have you tried reverting back to standard GPU configuration, it might be your OC settings causing the flashing?

I’d be dropping the graphics settings and playing around with the resolution as well, just to determine if there was an optimal level where the issue no longer presented itself.

Failing all that… dunno :question: some mysterious incompatibility or bug

Hello @Scottvdken,

thank you for telling us. Could you please post a DxDiag file and attach it here in the forum, so we can take a closer look at this problem?

Is there any chance you are running the game with SLI enabled? :slightly_smiling:

Sorry for the Necro, but just in the interest of posting solutions I’m going to raise the dead. I tried the game again, however I had previously removed my overclock since it wasn’t playing nice with another game, and now my issue is gone. Just to test, I OC’d the CPU again and voila! Flashing was back, removed OC and it went away. Anyways, just FYI. Again, sorry for the necro!

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