Forum Bad Gateway:502 / 504

The Forum isnt really working well atm
Is it because there are much more people on here then before and the servers cant handle?

does anyone know why this happens or if its going to be fixed?

i have the same issue, i often get a bad gateway error

I’ve been experiencing this since day 1 of release. Probably everyone is experiencing this. And yes you are probably correct. I believe the forums are overloaded with traffic.

Also this isn’t the first post. And I’m sure the Community manager and the rest of warhorse studios is honestly aware/experiencing this also - since we are.

I’m sure it’s on their very long list of things to work on.

Please have your webmaster do something about the # of allowed connections, timeout settings, etc on your website. For the last 3 days I see “Bad Gateway” “502 Error” or “Server Error” on probably 2 of 3 refreshes on the page. There will probably be a lot more visitors on the site than you may have anticipated now that the game is becoming popular… time to scale!


Yeah this is very anoyying lol. Happens all day everyday.

Might be a broken load-balancer node or backend overload.

I get this about every other post I try to read. Usually I have to reload the site.
I even get it trying to click a “Like”

Game was just released, a few bumps in the ride, the initial bunch of bugs and issues…the forum likely just buckles under the weight of all the traffic. I am, so far, glad, that it didn’t collapse completely.


My guess is that forums are truly under heavy load, for sure I know Community manager is aware of this and my other guess is they are most likely doing something about that.


yeah, because we thought that old 486 would be enough to host the forums - now that we have hyped half the globe with this release …

They already know, we contacted the team about this a few days ago.

The issue would be less great if people used the search function instead of posting new topics. I see a dozen duplicate threads every hour.


Hmm. We are still working on this. Our server is fine. Most of the time we have only 50% of memory used. I am afraid that we are hitting some limits of discourse forum.

Maybe @sam can help :wink:

We saw something similar here:

This is likely due to all the spectre/meltdown fixes out there that can have severe impact on droplet performance.

I guess your options are:

  • Upgrade to more powerful servers
  • Rummage through logs to see if is this is possibly something else, if you have lots of free memory you could give some more to PG.
  • Move to our hosting so we have this headache ;p
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It’s probbaly not your server or memory issues it’s probbaly routing issues, since everybody is having the problem it’s either load which you say isn’t happening since you have plenty of memory or routing issues which is most likely the case. Since you can refresh the page and get it to work I would say it’s routing issues. Are you using Apache or NginX?