My specs are:
intel core i5-9400F 2.9 Ghz
Nvidia geforce gtx 1660 ti 6gb
8gb Ram
500gb SSd with 200GB left.
I’m getting frequintly fps drop spikes while playing the game. I should be able to run the game with around 40-50fps on ultra but i’ve got my settings on medium. Anti aliastion off, Vsync off, motion blurr off, distance are only 2 bars full. I do get stable 60fps but randomly the fps drops. It doesn’t matter whether I’m in a city or outside the city but it just randomly occurs. I’m missing so much smoothness that I can’t play properly. Is there a setting or anything that I have to adjust in order to get a stable fps without random fps drop spikes? Any other game on ultra runs good but I can’t even run this game on med/low settings.