FPS Improvements for hi-end hardware

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL…you (obviously) have expertise, bro :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I desperately need to upgrade to a 3770k, my i5 2400 is really struggling now at higher settings at least. No issues with lower or medium and still looks better than consoles but 3770 is the best I can get without changing motherboards, thing is it’s still damn pricey too.

Actually you should try ajusting some settings this way (Based on your processor) :

– CPU Based on a i5 2400

sys_job_system_max_worker = 4 – Sets the number of threads to use for the job system
sys_main_CPU = 1 – Specifies the physical CPU index main will run on
sys_physics_CPU = 2 – Specifies the physical CPU index physics will run on
sys_streaming_CPU = 3 – Specifies the physical CPU file IO thread run on

I’m not giving you other advices regarding other parameters as I don’t really know if they should be good in your context. You can try to contact the original mod author, maybe he will give you more tips.

Thanks for sorting out the main threads for my CPU type, I tried to adapt from the mod (given fro 6, 8 and 12 threads), but without knowing potential workloads for all those processes, it’s hard to figure if sorting here and there will actually improve or reduce performances.

I’m mainly annoyed by stuttering right now, since graphics are good with a 1080 I run around 30-45 fps constant ; only stuttering is still here…

I’ll try this and see if there are improvements. Thanks for linking the optimization mods, I’m trying some tweaks here an there to find out better quality without perf loss…

Same here… Too bad they’re still so pricey… If they were around 100€ I may be tempted, but even that I don’t know if it’s a bargain, considering I’ll probably move to Ice Lake end of this year/early 2019…

But getting 8 threads instead of 4 may be very beneficiary to eliminate annoying stuttering…

Consider it your very own sugar pill. It didn’t help your FPS at all, something else did.

Not sure about this game but for others (arma 3) I have reduced/removed stutter by unparking the cpu cores.

So far “parking” CPU threads doent seems to have any effect on remaining stuttering… The game have to load once some assets (mostly buildings and people), and stutters briefly, then everything run pretty smooth until it has to load more heavy assets.

I even got up to 55-60 fps without reshade MXAO (wich cost around 3 fps in my case), and native SSDO activated… I consider it very good since my i5-2400 is reaching its limits nearly all the time… :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you know any setting, other than physic and AI calculations, that has a big hit on CPU, but can be tweaked down without altering visual quality in a noticeable way ?
I lowered physics to medium ingame (to still get animated foliage), and lighting as well, but I struggle to find any other setting (either ingame or with user.cfg) to further reduce my CPU load.

I’m no expert when it comes to Cry engine or how this game was made, however most things today runs primarily on the GPU, so if it’s powerful enough the cpu won’t really matter (within reason) with regards to shadows, textures and so on.

I don’t think this game should be too taxing on the CPU honestly, with the limited number of AI agents that are active at the same time. unless Warhorse made any mistakes on their en that they have to patch.

unparking the cpu cores (making sure they always run at 100%) sometimes help with micro stutter, but it’s usually not noticeable for most titles. not sure which CPU or GPU you have, but I run a i7 2600 and gtx 970 with a similar FPS on very high.

I also have some stutter occasionally but it’s not too bad, a newer CPU might fix it since it’s quite old by now, but it could also just be the game that needs another patch. I still get the same stuttering if I use the lowest settings and i don’t think any “tweaks” will help in this case unfortunately.

but make sure you use a SSD if you have one, even modern games today sometimes load from the drive at runtime. not sure if this is true for kingdom come though.

For some reason core 2 gets stuck at 99% which stops the game balancing the rest of the cores evenly, if you use something like process lasso to disable then re-enable core 2 it then spreads the load a lot more evenly.