From the ashes expansion

Hey guys I don’t don’t know if I’m the only one but wanted to know what you guys thought…who else would LOVE an expansion on from the ashes? There is a lot left that could be done and it in my opinion has a lot left that could be done.
Possibly leading your garrison into combat etc. plus they did hint at expansion so I’m really hoping this happens!

Also perhaps a port similar to NCAA football when you jump from college to pro.

Also if I want to support the game how do I do that?

They don’t plan big expansion, only some tweaks.

Link that plz., as It never has been posted here. Only the live stream where they said it was one and done despite player reaction.

There’s so much more this game could do and could make a killing putting out expansions until the next game releases

This game takes a nice long piss on skyrim!

Yes, It has a lot of potential.

Livestream video, two developers.

What’s the title?

Edit: off stream from WHS Long read but vid is 2/3 way donw post and can FWD thru the count down

I can’t get it to play. Do you have to go to twitch to watch it?

Nevermind I found it

Yes they should call it From The Ashes’ Ashes

takes the piss? or, takes a piss?