Frozen on the Tournament! introduction screen

The game keeps freezing on the screen below . I am unable to press escape to close and continue. I have deleted and reinstalled and get the same problem. Please help as I love this game.

did not do that for me on PC.

Make sure you press and hold ESC.

I held the esc key for a couple of minutes. I even tested the esc key on the menu at the start to ensure that it was working.

I am on a PC.

drivers up to date?
verified DL?
too many save files?

Drivers are up to date.
DL from Steam
Deleted save files
Still not working

The game was working fine until the Tournament update

I’m on GoG and only problem I have with the tournament is with mods and random loss of clothes on random NPC’s that been plaguing me for before the DLC’s

Do you use a controller (Xbox?)? Maybe you have to push a controller button…

I use an XB1 wireless controller and adapter. Along with above ; no problems.
Sometimes I wonder if being on GOG and having an AMD system and not intel and Nvidia one matters.
I also do not have the Amourus DLC.

Just tried it, now it shows the B button instead of ESC, same problem, I can hold down the B butten and the same thing (nothing) happens.

The same is happening to me. Did you figure out a fix?

Having the same issue.

Talk to your father first, and receive the quest. that seems to solve it.

Problem has been fixed. I removed the mod I had installed. Working fine now.

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