Game is too colorful and shiny

The world in Kingdom Come Deliverance should be more brown colored, weathered, and some regions should have autumn colors. Everything is green and shiny, the sky is blue (if it’s not raining) and the nature flourishes everywhere. Maybe it’s like summer in Bohemia looked in the 15th century, but the problem I have with this is every region and every forest looks like the other ten before. Why it does not look like on the early artworks and in-game builds?

Is…is the sky not blue where you live, on clear sunny days? :confused:


Why must be every day clear and sunny? I’m also talking about vegetation coloring.

dose’t this stor take place over teh spring and summer monhs?
Edit: lol I wrote this right before I went to sleep
Translation: Doesn’t this story take place over the spring and summer months?

add some mods for environmental mood and some mods forr harrassment and pillage raids on the villages (hamlets. etc) and you’ve got a great dark and gloomy game

No mods, I’m talking about the original game.

Are you Skyrim fan?

The game isn’t set over a variety of bioms, it is just a province in bohemian. So why do you expect different bioms? And the sky isn’t blue when it rains, never noticed the clouds?

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LOL…I use reshade because the game is much to colorLESS for my taste… but tastes obviously differ

No, I’m not a Skyrim fan, I’m a Gothic fan, but this is not relevant to the topic. And I don’t want different bioms, just more variation in the color of the vegetation and trees. Some should have brown leaves and grass could be dry at some locations. But everything is just green. This is not realistic.

Its very realistic for the season in witch the game takes plase. Maybe the next chapter will take place in the Fall or Autumn and be more to your liking. But this is like saying you wished Skyrim took place in the tropics. The setting is what it is.

Look, if you go outside in real life, you will see a very different looking vegetation. Not a generic looking one.

Blue is different all over the world…

Lattitudilly maybe even… altitudally too… changes the blue

Probably to do with the light coming through

Its about reference…

I recall rocking round to a friends place
and seeing a race game.

I instantly commented on how it looked perfect- the 'real’est i’d ever seen a racer (or open world game) look.

Turned out to be a game set in a place I used to live.
Friends screen was reference colour: looked perfect.
It was amazing. We discused blue (he was ex camera pro) and reference.
Anyhow I sought out the same tele and a copy of the game…
(Game was a forza horizon 3 )

KCD should look this blue.
My partner comments on its accuracy.
We love checking out the hues and light transistions.

If thats ’ waiting’… and game fill hours as some propose, in some aspects they miss the point.

As a peasant I enjoy my medieval life.
I enjoy having debts to pay off and work to do…
Its everything I could want to see and do.

Except backgammon. Its missing backgammon. Needs more backgammon.
Everythings better with backgammon.

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