Game performance?

So I got this game a few months ago and at that time wasnt able to run it at all,but now im somewhat able to run it but even on low settings its just really sluggish and the framerate seems to barely go above 20,is it just the the state the beta is in or is it my specs?

CPU:AMD FX 6300 overclocked to 4.0 ghz
RAM:Crucial Ballistix Sport 8 gb(im getting another 8gb’s of it tomorrow)
Hard Drive:SeaGate 1TB HDD

Beta isn’t optimized, so you’re lucky to get anywhere above 40fps on a god-tier computer.

I have AMD FX-8350 (8-Core 4.2 GHz), 16GB DDR3 RAM and GTX 960 4GB OC and I can get just 21-24fps.

I own i7-6700HQ, 16GB RAM, 4GB 965M and I get around 25-35fps. It won’t get any higher in beta, no matter what your setup might be and what graphics’ options you choose.

I’m wondering what you guys are running as in 1280x720 at medium settings and the game still looks beautiful at 45-60 Fps. Mostly 50-60 fps.

yeah, I adviced it when beta released, reducing resolution boosted my fps by 20 fps, making it very playable all of sudden, while still looking good (if you dont play on 2/4k monitor though :DD)

Good morning everyone,
To ones having “performance” issue I do agree with TheKnightinBlack and the people saying that the game is still in beta after all, thus unoptimized.
Just to make you an idea, my pc get 60 fps running on ultra setting at 1080 and all rendering distances set to medium having a 980 Ti. So I’m quite confy that for the release date even 5 years old pcs would benefit this game as playable.
And even if your pc cannot run the game just perform a resolution downscaling and you will see that magic happens like Tsunamik pointed out.

By the way does anyone know if the game will support DX12?
Does the Beta run at DX11?

Thank you in advance.

Best Regards