Game will not even load -- WAS ABLE TO FIX IT! Post Updated w/ Fix

Dear Warhorse,

This game is unplayable for me at the moment. When I click PLAY for this game on steam, I just see the loading icon for a few seconds and then NOTHING happens. If I click PLAY again, the same thing happens again…

This ALPHA is unplayable for me…! Very disappointed…

I’m running 64-bit, Windows 7.

I verified the cache successfully.

How can I fix this? How can I play this game?


Try this - I hope it will work for you!
The game needs the redist for Visual Studio 2013 to run. It should be installed by Steam automatically, when you start the game. If you skipped the installation - you can find the files for the installation here:

\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Kingdom Come Deliverance_CommonRedist\vcredist\2013

and you should install this:


Prior to fix:

Windows 7 was out of date

.NET Framework would not install due to Windows being out of date

The Fix

I downloaded and installed Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (about 900+ GB). After installing this I was finally able to instal the latest version of .NET Framework.

After this I clicked on PLAY for the game in Steam and it worked!

So for those of you w/ a similar problem, my experience is proof that your Windows version must be up-to-date!

Hope this helps.


that’s one big update :anguished:

You should always have your OS up to date !
For fixes, security, etc …

I think he means 900+ MB
If the Win7 SP1 will be nearly 1 TB (he wrote GB and a plus and after GB comes TB!)
you can’t install it on a GB hdd! XD


Oh…haha. My bad…I mean 900+ MB…thanks for the pointing that out. As noted from some others, they were correct in realizing that I meant MB.


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