Gamma Bug: Serious

When I set my gamma in game to be a bit higher so I can see at night the game modifies the windows gamma. Then when I exit it does not revert the changes so when I start the game a second time the game is brighter (and windows) and if I do this 5-6 times I cant see anything on windows 10 even when I exit the game.

To fix it I have to go into calibrate display color wizard and drop the gama manually but It’s as low as it can go so if I start the game again I wont be able to lower it any more.

Im on win10 180116-1539. I play in windowed mode.


Did you get any reply? @Master
I am experiencing this myself and it is quite… annoying.

I am also experiencing this.

Windows Build Version 1709
Most recent update: February 13, 2018—KB4074588 (OS Build 16299.248)
Nvidia Driver: 390.65
Using ASUS ROG Swift PG279Q Monitor with G-Sync enabled

I’m currently installing 390.77 (gameready driver for KC:D) and will report if it makes a difference.

same here, also window mode (Cant use Fullscreen - SLI System)

@Korimo No, I have not heard anything from anyone. I dont know if there is another way to report bugs but this one is a system destroyer and should be fixed asap.

The workaround I’ve found is that you reset the in game settings then go into windows gamma and drop it all the way down. Then restart your system and then reset the windows gamma. You have to do it for every monitor you run.

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That is a complete bugger,
For myself personally it reset after relaunching my pc. Although i have yet to play the game since so thats going to worry me…

Thank you for responding though :smiley:

This is still happening for sure - every time I leave the game, it’s gamma on windows is bumped up still - 1.3?

Same here, Still happens. It’s more of an annoyance than anything. Every time I exit the game, I just go into nvidia control panel, then reset settings back to default under adjust desktop color settings.

on a win 7 C here. the gamma appears bugged, stuff grows ever darker and it survives into non KC:D use of the Pc :open_mouth:

Same here, I lower Gamma ingame, but it sticks when I return to Windows. Resetting through Windows Color Management > Calibrate display, is the only solution. But I have to keep doing that every time.

What I’m stuck dealing with is even if I change the gamma settings in-game then tab out to another window, when I go back to the game the gamma settings have reverted to their default or at least something darker. I have to readjust it every time I tab back to the game.

I had the same problem where my Win 10 gamma was set to the games and it was way too dark.
This effect didn’t stack for me, it stayed the same with every start of the game.
I was also able to reset it with a restart and haven’t had another incident yet with several restarts of the game and Windows.

I found that setting the monitor (via NVIDIA CP) to use a ‘manual gamma setting’ using the ingame gamma at the bottom of the slider, and then while the game is running using NVIDIA CP reverting the monitor to ‘application controlled’ worked to give a usable and stable result.

Prior I was getting gamma ‘running away’ both too light and too dark depending on the circumstances in game, and at transitions/dialogues/sleeping/reading etc. Haven’t had to touch gamma in game since.

Same thing is happening with me, changed the gamma in-game and it has affected my whole system.
anyone found a fix?

Quake 3 Arena use to do this to me sometimes.

While this wont fix the game, when you quit out and find the gamma bug has appeared, open up Nvidia Control Panel, click on Adjust Desktop Color Setting, then click on Use Nvidia Setting (If you havent already), then click on either the brightness or contrast bar and move it left or right then bcak to 50%.

This should cause the gfx driver to revert back to correct gamma.

I think you can also fix it just by clicking Use Nvidia setting or the option above and switching back and forth

Having the same problem. Every time I start the game up it reverts the game to some ultra high contrast/gamma combo that cannot be fixed in game or out. I have tried every single solution on this thread (messing with windows screen calibration, Nvidia CP and changing between Nvidia settings and app settings, reinstalling the game etc) I had been futzing with nvidia gamma prior to the issue so I’m assuming this is the where the problem is.

Just wanted to post that I am also experiencing this bug, and specifically the cascading darkness / brightness where the game gets ever darker and darker and darker every time I load it.

There’s something quite wrong about the way the in-game gamma slider is behaving and it needs to be addressed.

Is there a better way to report a bug than the bug forum? because I feel like the devs have not seen this or maybe they just dont understand how critical this bug is. Or maybe they just dont care.

If I quit the game and launch it, sometimes the gamma get altered. If I quit again, the same change is on the desktop. If I continue exiting and re-launching it will get more and more altered.

Easiest solution is to restart the computer or before quitting the game reset the gamma in-game to the default value.

So if you’ve still got Windows 7 like me (yeah I know I know, I should upgrade) you can install CPKeeper. Set your gamma with NVIDIA control panel and have CPKeeper override the game switching to Windows gamma (just don’t touch the gamma slider in-game).

The main website is down, I just downloaded the top comment’s media fire link and it’s malware free.

Here’s a helpful youtube video explaining how to use it

If you’re on Windows 10, CPKeeper stopped working some months ago, so you can try using DisplayCal as linked here:

Work-arounds like this are not a permanent solution to a broken in-game gamma slider, but it hasmanaged to make the game not look washed-out and terrible for me.