Getting a refund

My computer struggles to run the game, I have tried to play multiple times for about an hour and 1/2 but still it continues to either crash or give me major FPS lag issues. I do like the concept of the game and the game in general (when it doesn’t lag) but I was wondering if I could get a refund for the time being so I can use the money refunded to put towards other things and then buy the game after release?

I have sent an email to already, if that is the correct email.

Do you realize that it is beta that has not been updated or optimized for a long time? Cause devs wanted to focus getting actual game finnished.

Yes, and while they get the actual game finished they can give me a refund so I can put that money towards other things till release, I made a mistake and thought the game would run better … But I can’t even play more then 20 minutes normally, sorry if that’s so wrong.


Well you should also consider that you bought the game for quite a cheaper price then it will cost at release… The difference can be quite substantial :slight_smile:

What’s wrong with these guys. The game does not work for him, what does it have to do with fact it’s beta or lower price?


Because final game will certainly work better, and he will get it at lower price if he does not get refund now. It is just friendly advice, nothing official.


Better advice would be for him to buy better rig.

Listen lads, I’m sorry I offended you with requesting a refund. But I am aware that the game will cost more at release, which does not bother me. Like I said, I would prefer to use the money I refunded to put towards perhaps getting a better gaming rig so I can play more then twenty minutes on release or something I can use -now- instead of in 8 months.

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It is fine @all, there is no need to open a discussion about a personal choice.


Is there ever a need to senselessly spout ones opinion into the ether?