Getting political

There’s no value in the statement, none

Hahha, ok buddy.

Tenure is a red herring. Americans don’t really care about learning or are incapable of providing effective primary and secondary education in spite of all their efforts including state constitutions mandating education

pointing out that there are people who are basically incapable of being fired, regardless of how shitty they do is a red herring in a discussion about education

That’s a load of self deception

Explain why I’m wrong then.

Govt has intruded or permitted the intrusion upon the lives of the republic’s inhabitants from its founding

The cost of our global military presence is estimated at $250 billion a year.

To be clear, I would not cut any of our militarily hardware. Only there over seas presence.

i hate to agree with you on this but your probably right. The idea of education for all dosen’t appeal to people who are sedated by consumer driven media and corporate backed “news” programs. When the people of this country were capable of producing things, an education was a chance to learn how to produce new and better things. Now that all we do is serve and consume. Education seams less important to some. God help the ignorant masses.


The people who invented automaton are long dead. Most of them died very wealthy and left vast fortunes to there descendants. The promise of automation(that it would free the working man) was made to our fathers and grandfathers. Its time we collected.

LMAO. Couldn’t agree more. Especially where this precocious scion of a Telly Tubby and the Michelin Man is concerned:

When liberal leaning papers like the LA Times doesn’t hold back on your Academia hijinks, you know you’ve committed an unforgivable brainfart:

The state of California has the WORST self entitled teachers in the country. Because it has the best, most overly politicized Teachers Union in the country IMO. Californian kids are being brainwashed with an inappropriate, radical leftist liberal agenda from Pre School through K-12. Here’s what one overly zealous liberal added to their lesson plan:

Seriously you CANNOT make this brainwashing up. What a pro liberal NY teacher gave out as 1st grader homework:

Same craziness happens here daily in California. If kids survive the psychological warfare gauntlet of High School teachers like Rivera

they’re rewarded with final polishing in their pro liberal agenda from so called “Professors” like that Fresno State babe. At least the School District found its mind (and apparently conscience) to fire the @$$hole that called himself a HS teacher.

Because of our enlightened educational system here in California, K-12 and University students are leaving school dumber than they went in to date. The Teacher’s Union is doing wonders to expedite this illiteracy. It doesn’t help that the likes of David-I’m-a-UC College applicant reject-but-15mins-fame-in-the-limelight-Hogg keeps politicizing kids. Or the fact our educational system is ALLOWING him to literally DISRUPT children’s education. By literally sanctioning the dismissal of students from the school room during school hours with Anti 2nd Amendment walkouts. That is the height of insanity IMO.

And Americans still wonder how we can be the few remaining 1st world countries, home to a large percentage of the highest concentrations of personal wealth in the world – yet be one of the WORST nations where it comes to reading, writing & STEM disciplines? LMAO

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Your reading this wrong. The people are sovereign. There land is there sovereign territory. The government had to find loopholes and face rebellion over a 2% tax because they are our servants. Public servants.

I have never, ever heard anyone make the argument that education should only be for the wealthy. Only that the unions shouldn’t have such influence over the education system.

As I said earlier, I tried to be a teacher before I gave up after a semester of observation. The unions have too much power over the bureaucracy. It even makes it, depending on the state you live in in the US, that you cannot get hired as a teacher unless you join the union and start paying union dues.

If anything, the people who make those arguments talk about the facts regarding Charter Schools and how they have a considerably higher success rate to educating kids than the public schools with considerably lower dropouts, higher grades and more graduates and not a single charter school can be considered for the wealthy.

Actually, they are designed for those who don’t want their kids in public schools but can’t afford private schools.



Some charter school numbers are a master class in deception

In the past, the unions didn’t tell parents they couldn’t order the textbooks in advance or sometimes even take them home. Struggling kids weren’t prohibited by unions from studying ahead (eg getting the vocabulary list one week earlier) to get out of remedial classes. Unions don’t prevent American parents from spending much of their discretionary income on education beyond just basic schooling. Etc

What makes it the height of insanity? Walk out? Or a different position relative to 2nd amendment than what you have?

I’ve had to deal with unions in my life so I’m under no delusions about there state of corruption. But if you had done more than just observe you would have learned the the administration is far worse. Charter schools are just for the wealthy. You could argue that they are also for the middle class but if you’ve been paying attention lately you would know that the middle class will soon go the way of the dodo bird if things don’t change soon.

Charter schools are perfume on a :poop: Charter schools are a concession that the primary and secondary education systems in the US have fundamentally failed. The charter schools are an alternative to the public school systems, and as such they change little (to nothing) in the public school systems themselves therein revealing a profound impotence in American states and society. Charter schools treat a symptom here or a symptom there but the disease remains, and such is the power and glory of MAGA, PROMISE and No Child Left Behind

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1.The fact that this walkout is being done on SCHOOL TIME when students are supposed to be getting AN EDUCATION WHILE THEY’RE IN SCHOOL.

2.If students want to exercise their 1st amendment rights, they’re free to do so OUTSIDE OF DESIGNATED SCHOOL TIMES.

  1. Just like we used to do in the good old days before the internet aka OUTSIDE SCHOOL HOURS AKA AFTER SCHOOL HOURS where students do EXTRA CURRICULAR THINGS like pep rallies, Drama/Nature clubs etc etc. Or like ON THE WEEKENDS WHEN THEY HAVE ALL KINDS OF TIME.

4.If students are spending time walking out of the classroom, then the educational system is effectively exposing them to danger by REMOVING them from what is deemed a safe space and placing them into a NON safe space (if the pictures on Hogg’s tw@tter feed are any indication) :joy:

5.If children are being allowed to walk out of the classroom, then unlike other 1st world nations, THEY’RE FAILING AT THEIR CAREER WHICH IS BEING A STUDENT AND GETTING AN EDUCATION. One could make the argument this has implications for foreign students who come to America i.e. they’re likely to be MORE successful as competitive applicants to US College/Universities. Because their education wasn’t being constantly being derailed by politics in the classroom (outside of a history class context). Compared to the average American student who is increasingly unprepared for the academic rigors of post secondary education. Now they can add a loss of knowledge to the amount of time they’ve been spending OUTSIDE the classroom.

6.And no, firearms & the drive to deprive law abiding Americans of their 2nd amendment rights ARE NOT the real issue here (as Hogg’s liberal handlers would like you to believe).

Fact: the Obama Promise program is directly responsible for tying school security & law enforcement’s hands.

That Parkland teen was very troubled and well known to school authorities. Kid committed flagrant vandalism of schoo property, yet got referred to the Promise program as punishment??? And NOTHING was done to remove him from the school campus safe space due to the Obama Promise program. Because had he been correctly referred to law enforcement, this would’ve been racial profiling.

So instead of removing this troubled teen from the student body, working with mental health and local law enforcement to meet his emotional/behavioral & educational needs, this kid was allowed to fall through the cracks in the educational system. Until this program is repealed, the safety of all students remains in jeopardy. The Liberals will simply sit back and watch in glee, waiting for this to reoccur. Then use Hogg to continue stirring the PR fecal storm–to keep political momentum on point for the upcoming 2018 elections and beyond. Meanwhile students continue being denied a valid education in the school system…

Little Known Politically Relevant Fact Not Deliberated Upon by US News Media: London’s murder/crime rate recently surpassed New York for the first time in history—AND THE PERPETRATORS/CRIMINALS DON’T EVEN USE GUNS!


If I wanted my child to be politically indoctrinated and/or receive an alt education, I would make them attend outside mainstream education channels aka Private, religious affiliated, private Charter & special alternative schools. Because these institutions are NOT funded by my tax paying dollars as a US taxpayer. Unlike the public school system which most definitely is and therefore accountable to me as a taxpayer

That should have been called “All children thrown under the buss.”