Getting political

Oh dear Lord…I just noticed you cited WIKIPEDIA :joy:

Writing in capital letters sure makes it sound more correct.

Have you considered that one of the reasons he couldn’t rely on congress was that the Republican party had made it their main goal to reject ANYTHING Obama would try, even if it made a lot of sense. THEY REJECTED EVERYTHING BECAUSE A BLACK DEMOCRAT SUGGESTED IT. (see how capital letters make it the truth).
Obstructionism at it’s finest (or worst).

And for what reason do you think that having Iran work hard at getting a nuclear device is better than AN INTERNATIONAL agreement where they promise NOT TO WORK TOWARD GETTING A NUCLEAR DEVICE?

You will note that except for Israel and Trumpets supported by fake evidence, EVERYONE AGREES that Iran has kept their end of the bargain.
You could say that TRUMP is the ONLY ONE who pisses on international agreements. And you would be right. Even without capital letters.

But of course. Reinstating the embargoes and inventing new ones will make it impossible for Iran to sell their oil, which helps Trumps friends (not sure he has any, but then his Donors).

And now you have the fake president helping a well know brutal dictator. When NK closed Camp 22, they closed a facility more than 80 square miles with 50,000 + prisoners - mostly political). CAMP 22. That means there are more. Huge ones.

And yes. I am past the generation X.
In fact, I was there when the cold war ended. I was there when MLK tried to teach you a lesson about decency. I was there when the KKK marched and everybody was fine with it. I was there when JFK averted good old Trump ally Russian agressors, and told them to get the hell out of Dodge with their nuclear missiles. I was there when you had your riots caused by racial discrimination. I was there when you all turned a blind eye to the hatred and the violence towards your own population simply because they were black.
I was also there when history had just come to terms with the aftermatth of the great war. When a piece of land was stolen from a people and given to the jews to claim as theirs. And I followed how Israel turned from being the persecuted to persecuting.
And I am here now when millions of Americans are more concerned with white people loosing power rather than how all Americans can work together to be a great nation. How they applaud racist , misogenistic behaviour. How they applaud people dying simply because it is more important to remove regulations set in place by the Obama administration than it is to actually do something good for the PEOPLE rather than a few mega rich. Remove consumer protection because it hurts the companies trying to stiff you. Remove pollution regulation because it is the right of the companies to kill you (as long as they place the pollution away from white areas).
I have been around for a long time, and I recognize the signs of a regime we all should shy away from. The cult around a criminal person who raise the masses around persecuting people of another skin tone even if they are citizen. I recognize the mentality of the Brownshirts, the Schutzabteilung, the Schutzstaffel. I hear the boots tramping again. And I fear for the future. I fear for a world where Trump and his brownshirt deplorables are in power.

And you stupid persons are concerned with a made up legality problem of a treaty that actually worked to keep the world peace a bit longer. And you want to replace it with strife and devision between allies.
OH MY. YOU TRUMPETS ARE TRULY STUPID. (Capitals again. Must be true), and you should be ashamed of yourselves. That is what YOU have failed to grasp.

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Great post, though I doubt they will understand it. Not enough flashy cartoons and knee jerk hate speech.

So there are subsidies. Okay, but if the farmers aren’t out there practically from dawn to dusk, the work simply doesn’t get done.

Being paid a lot of money, while being screwed over by the same government when it comes to things like “navigatable waters” belonging to to the Federal Government and the government determining even a tractor tread with some water pooling in it counts and the farmer no longer owns that land…well there are issues.

But the fact remains that despite the subsidies, the work still has to get done and the government can’t do a thing to help that, only reimburse when crops are lost due to natural disasters.Too much rain and the crops flood. Too little rain and we tend to over irrigate in order to make a living and then have a water shortage. Tornado or field fire.

The farmers still have to plant at the right time, weed, fertilize, maintain, and when the time comes, harvest. If they are running a cattle farm, the cows have to be fed and milked. At the chicken plants the chickens have to be taken care of, the eggs carefully gathered, and nutritionists making sure the chickens have everything they need.

Sluff the work off on someone else, as you can do in any other bureaucracy, and the entire statewide economy goes down the gutter. The work HAS to get done, and get done on time.

Do you know what CRP is? CRP is money the federal govt pays to farmers to do nothing.

That sound absolutely awful.
I’d like to see the documentation for that, so I can use it in my collection of weird stuff around the internet.

Thank you. I know that part.
I was merely trying to understand how DragonLords claim about a tractor tread can fit into the part of the regulation that clearly states, that

The following aquatic areas are generally not protected by the Clean Water Act:

Wet areas that are not tributaries or open waters and do not meet the agencies' regulatory definition of "wetlands"
Waters excluded from coverage under the CWA by existing regulations
Waters that lack a "significant nexus" where one is required for a water to be protected by the CWA
Artificially irrigated areas that would revert to upland should irrigation cease
Artificial lakes or ponds created by excavating and/or diking dry land and used exclusively for such purposes as stock watering, irrigation, settling basins, or rice growing
Artificial reflecting pools or swimming pools created by excavating and/or diking dry land
Small ornamental waters created by excavating and/or diking dry land for primarily aesthetic reasons
Water-filled depressions created incidental to construction activity
Groundwater drained through subsurface drainage systems and
Erosional features (gullies and rills), and swales and ditches that are not tributaries or wetlands

@SirLoin believe the guidance is a reaction to curtail enforcement zealotry (as reflected in article). the agencies have a lot of enforcement discretion, and that potentiates abuse/misuse.

EPA isn’t the only one. pretty much every agency has guidances that are well intentioned but are an overreach or ineffective. the article below is one example by the FDA. another FDA absurdity is that the FDA wants sponsors (drug/device/biologic companies) to submit data in a particular format (SDTM data model) that doesn’t at face value comply with 21 CRF Part 11 (FDA’s own regulation) or any of its 21CFR11 guidances.

long story short - there’s no doubt the federal govt is out of control. throwing the baby out with the bath water isn’t the solution though

I fear the agro giants have outgrown there community roots. The idea of owning and therefor needing no over site of the water that feeds us all. Inhuman if you ask me.