GPU / CPU Utilization


Firstly I’d like to express my gratitude for the game, I was really immersed from the very start and I’m having a blast.

I was wondering if any of the devs could elaborate on what graphic setting is calculated by GPU and what by CPU. I have quite old system, I’m forced to play the game on 1600x1024. But here’s the thing, the game runs better on medium (with something on low) than on full LOW.

I have also better performance when i use the r_antialiasingmode 2 :smiley: which i dont understand really.

My CPU is the bottleneck here, so i guess when i set something to medium, it will switch to GPU calculation.

Is my theory completely wrong? Can someone comment?

Jinak super práce :wink: pecka hra

What kind of CPU/OS do you have and are you getting the game freezing?

You don’t understand.

I have good performance - but i sacrificed a lot of visuals. Searched the web for commands and such, playing on lower than native resolution.

I wanted to know which setting is computed by CPU and which by GPU.

But to answer your question, I have

  • AMD A8-6600K (4,4GHz slightly OC’d)
  • Windows 10.
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX750Ti

I play on fulscreen 1600 x 1024. Some settings medium, some low (lighting, shadows, blur off) I do not have any freezing and as you can see, in Uzic i have 50 fps and It’s not the prettiest thing but still looks good with AA on and as I cant afford any upgrade, atleast not for a two months, i got used to it and after a while it seems normal (the lower res)

You can try checking that link and see if it helps you. it talks about what settings lower the load on the GPU.

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Pokud to přežiješ a zvykneš si jak já, tak doporučuji zkusit hrát v 720p. Hodně se sníží zátěž na GPU, tudíž se uvolní i zátěž CPU které musí víc krmit GPU k vůli rozlišení. FPS nárust je tak 60% a víc, APU od amd na to není to nejlepší hlavně, díky té AI je nejspíš víc záteže na CPU celkově, ale taková nastavení tam nejsou.
ALe mít v popisku co zatěžuje co (jak to má perfektně WoW, StarCraft) by bylo super.

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Your CPU is fine (better than my i7 2600), so between the two i’d say the GPU is the bottleneck here.

Today almost everything that has to do with the graphics is handled by the GPU, while the CPU primarily handle calculations with AI and most of the physics. If you are on a budget I would recommend something like a Nvidia GTX 1060 (6gb) instead, it is both better and cheaper than my GTX 970 and I play the game fine on “Very High” (with ultra textures and slightly increased draw distance)