Graphics: Ps4 Pro versus Xbox One X patch 1.3

Out of support for the dev, I own the game on both consoles, but been playing mainly on PS4 pro since I got it first. With patch 1.3 came a clear improvements for that system, which are immediately clear in the main menu screen with wooden fence and rooftops rendering great.

However, I finally fired up the Xbox One X version and patched it up to 1.3 expecting the same results, but alas this is not the case. The midrange drawing distance and texture streaming remains poor, and the fence and nearby roofs are basically blocks with no textures on them. This translates in-game too.

I really was hoping Xbox One X version to be up par with PS4 pro after the same patch, but as is, it seems to be inferior despite being more powerful of the two.

Here’s hoping that Warhorse ups their game and gives some loving to consoles and supporting gamers filling up their coffers.

ima play side by side with my buddy tonight. he’s on ps4(i think plus/pro) and I’m on Xbox One

Been hearing issues on One X that I havn’t experience on One. We’ll have the real test tonight I suppose

All made more convuluted by there being two X box ones (the S variant being way more powerful).

Imagine trying to categorise all the sys and playstyle differences that might create issues…
I’d enjoy the challenge that would be creating a flow chart and reporting system for registering issues.

With correctly compiled data the task moght be made quite a lot easier.
As it stands now - outside of a handful of consistent issues (that some users experience), a lot of reported faults are just player agency decisions and not understanding what its all about…
But… given that other people are saying stuff- means -it must be an issue…

Not saying that save game corruption isnt frustrating (and it hasnt happened to me, nor any of the other known issues)… or trying to reframe the problem as it not being real… Just that after the levy breaks - the flow of complaints piles up. Some are just along for the ride being pushed along by the current.

Playing side by side on two systems should be pretty awesome :wink: