Greetings from Spain to Dan Vavra

Hi Dan,

I’m sorry that you don’t come to gamelab because of some “people”.
I don’t know you (except for your excelent work), and I don’t know what personal claims have you done.

But I suspect that this is all a complot of some radical group, just because you said something about Gamergate.
Zoë Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian are frauds, and saying the true about they, is not being against women.

I’m very sorry, and be assured, that is not the global opinion on Spain, that has been a social media action orchested by a radical group that defends those Frauds.

BesT Regards,


I hope this will turn out to be some kind misunderstanding/ fake news, because if Vavra really did cancel his speech because of “serious insults” from anonymous trolls on twitter, then it is really pathetic and it would made all his anti-PC “activism”, his criticism of feminism, Anita and over-sensitive people a terrible joke.


He shouldnt be getting insults in the first place. Trolls can really destroy a person especially if sociapathic so I don’t blame him. The devs made a great game and people shouldnt be insulting over it! That’s just disrespectful.

Artists dont need negativity.

(Sure; some do- HR Giger created the xenomorph and other stuff of terror)

Generally aetists thrive in creative nirturing environments.
Getting a bunch together should have the roof on fire with thought…
Attcking creative types is the function of sick people and those who wont follow their dreams- putting their failures on the succesful.
Vavra (someone I know nothing about and I dont read internet nonsense), has my hat off to him.
Well done.

Avoiding dangerous environments (toxic) is great preventative maintenance.
His councellor and/or naturopath would be happier for it!

I can’t support nor even understand trolls in forums/facebook/twitter, but sadly this is how the internet is, and if you are a public person you have to learn to ignore them. I’m obviously sad that Vavra had to read those stupid tweets, but it comes with the territory, i’m afraid, and i expected him to have a tougher skin. He surely looks tough enough. :smile:

If Gamelab wanted to invite a dev to talk about his game and the struggles of making your own game and in turn your own studio against a lot of odds. All this interesting stuff that people interested in “gaming” would enjoy listening to.

Why then the fuck would they invite the waste of space feminazi crew? Simply to talk about shit other than games. Boring boring racism, sexism in games blah blah.

Why would you want to go on a panel to rehash this with morons that their bread and butter is just rehashing this shit day in day out. Hardly going to open minds or eyes so what’s the point. Really? You could spend that time taking a shit and wiping your ass and have been way more productive.

Your loss Gamelab. Good luck baiting for cheap headlines.

No fake, it’s the creator of Gamelab who told it … :frowning:

And it’s not anonymous, it comes from an editor of the spanish branch of Edge magazine

He’s tough.

I guess he want to punish gamelab, because gamelab and edge magazine have tight relations, and the insults came from an editor of edge magazine

You got it, they are kidnapping gamelab :frowning:

What is gamelab now? A new kind of Gamergate?

It’s the name of an event, a fair about videogames on Spain.
Vavra was invited for giving a speach there.

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Some Background.Some People believe only what they want. IMO I don’t understand those People…but anyway, it is how it is…

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Ohh ahhh yeah… kk, that again. bj
And it is very funny that other people from other continents want telling us what our history is!

Man, this silly GamerGate polemic doesn’t have to do with history, just videogames and very intense people who claim to be feminist.

Also… I don’t quite understand the thing about continents.

It is more to the old Gamergate discussions or the photo in the comments of the posted article