GTX 1080Ti (390.77 WHQL Driver), i7 7700k @4.6Ghz, 16GB 3200Mhz DDR4 RAM, SSD. 1440p Performance unacceptable. Framerate drops in the 30-40s. Immersion breaking NPC, Object, Textures pop in at max settings, brief load before conversations, Microstuttering

There are many of us having problems with the game. It has performance problems that need addressing. You’re not the only one scorpgul and no its not you. Its the game and it does need better optimization. I’m hoping Warhorse takes these real issues to heart and continues to support the game and fixes the performance. I’m a customer/backer too. In the mean time I’ve been tweaking the settings and getting it playable but its far from acceptable. In my opinion they should not have released it in this state. However, I’m plugging away and the story is starting to really open up and I do see the jewel within that I just new the game would be. It just needs some much needed attention and again I hope Warhorse is on it.

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Quite a few people are having issues with high end rigs and it’s frustrating as hell. I have 3 rigs here and it runs great on the AMD/AMD rig because they have optimized their drivers for the game already (yes they have I’ve checked the new driver and it does indeed say it’s optimized for this game) My 1080TI rig runs slow…oddly slow like 30FPS slow on ultra which Is unusual for that rig. My third rig has a 1060 and it gets pretty good frame rates in the 60’s which is still low but I’m flummoxed as to how a rig with a slower CPU, less ram and a slower video card with less ram is faster than a 3000 dollar nightmare gaming rig.

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Finally some people who speak some sense. Every major reviewer on PC out there commented on the dodgy performance and memory leaks. Yesterday, I thought my rig was the issue after reading some comments here. i even reinstalled driver, downgraded then reupgraded BIOS and guess what, it changed absolutely nothing.

the only way I was able to get somewhat stable performance is by lowering some settings to high. Yes I hope Warhorse is implementing fixes.

And yes there is an amazing game underneath those issues. I hope that the game will be ready in a month max

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I’m playing with a similar rig as yours and i’m encountering same issues. I may be wrong but launching the game in fullscreen seems to have improved performances over borderless (I was in fullscreen at first but it looks like newer patch 1.2.1 rollback this option to borderless), try changing that.

Also I haven’t tested it yet but here are some tweaks you can try :

I will test them tonight.


Yes I noticed it keeps changing to borderless but i always make sure to change it back to fullscreen. It’s annoying. It made 0 difference whatsoever to be honest. I tried the heapsize “fix” ann it’s nothing but placebo. Performance is the same with or without it. I also use the disable Vsync command as I use a gsync monitor.

Well I guess there is no more to say. We will see what they can fix in their upcoming patch. I’ve read that we will be able to disable v-sync directly in menu and to select what type of AA we want tu use.

You can already change the Antialiasing and even disable it with this command:

Thanks to @agris

Ah thank you I didn’t know, did you try it ?

Yep I disabled it fully and while everything looks sharper, the aliasing is unbearable at 1440p. its sadly FXAA and not MSAA. I hope they let us use MSAA ingame

Well in that case I will try to completely disable AA tonight and also to force somme AA using ReShade. I think it can be useful waiting for the patch.

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Just curious considering the amd cards are having better performance and the mid tier gtx 1060 , have any of the gtx 1080ti owners tried an earlier Nvidia driver for testing purposes . Or are they all just using the latest one.

I am personally using the latest one which was released on 28th January which is 390.77 WHQL

That driver was released specifically for this game so it should be the best driver for performance.

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I’m using the latest one but I can try to downgrade it tonight for testing purpose of course.


Cheers lord. I have seen something like this happen before with a driver aimed at a particular game having unintentionaly jacked the higher end cards In the process.

I think that Nvidia will have to do additional work for this game to be 100% stable

I’m also seeing really inconsistent performance on Very High And Ultra. My processor is a bit older (4790k, 16GB DDR3, SSD) but i’m running a 1080 Ti @ 1920x1200.

I was at first using older drivers and upgraded to the latest.

I can consistently hit 55+ on High but on Very High and Ultra i’m dipping into the low 40s and even 30s in some places like Rattay.

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Try letting all options to ultra high and lowering “Postprocess quality”, “Shader quality” and “Shadows” to high. that seems to greatly improve performance with a minimal graphical impact for the moment. waiting a further optimisation.

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Yep, will definitely try that when I get to play again this evening.

I also have a 1080Ti, and have experimented with various settings. I have most settings at v.high or ultra, other than post/shader/ and something else - off the top of my head can’t be certain. Most of the time I’m getting around 40 -50 fps which for my 1080p TV is acceptable if not ideal. However, even on screens where not a lot is happening ie the map screen, fps is around 70. It would seem to be either the drivers aren’t optimised correctly for the game, or just as likely certain elements in the games code are slowing things down a bit.

I’m sure over time the Devs or even modders will fix these issues.

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It’s like there is a problem only with 1080ti, because I have 1080 and i play the game at high-very high settings with 50-70 fps (40 in towns)

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