Can I just take a second to rant about how bullshit this is? I just got fucked in a fight (Nearly all of my stats are max btw, I’m not new or anything) Because of a Halberd. There’s no way to really counter this weapon, we can’t train to use it, and we can’t train to fight against it. got attacked on the road by 3 bandits, one with a halberd, and 2 with normal weapons (shortswords + shields) this is normally not a big deal since I’ve taken on 6+ enemies and emerged untouched… but any time I’m doing literally anything, this fucking guy with the halberd just smashes through all of my plate armor (lords of leipa set, missing pieces filled in with pieces bought from the armourer in Rattay, very expensive high defense) Try to focus him and remove him from the fight and the other 2 simultaneously hit me in the back until my stamina is gone and take me from whatever I have to 0 before I even have chance to react… Why the hell are these weapons in the game right now?
Edit: To clarify, by smashing through all of my plate armor, I mean that it pierces it and deals actual dmg, my armor doesn’t block it, so I go from full hp to halfway dead in the blink of an eye. I also have the last gasp perk, which the 2 hitting me activated, and literally continued hitting me through that effect, until I was dead.