Hans Capon abandoned - Was it necessary?

God damn it. I just hate hardcore mode, first I have no autosaves, then I go for hunt Hans Capon and I try to figure out where I am, so I go out of deep forest, see some plains and possibly water hearing under me, so I just go check it to find a river on my map, few meters aheas, I die because Hans dies, so I fail and I have to replay 2 HOURS!

Was it really necessary? It is so darn hard! Especially when I do not know where I am and there is no marker towards my objective. I am sure Hans would survive a little longer if I stayed inside a selected area but not finding him for a while (Because I was running around on my horse in normal mode and there seemed to be no time limit). I simply followed where Hans went but managed to go outside of selected quest area. So what now?

I was turtling over encumbered towards the camp which I hardly found after being lost in the forest after hunt with loads of game just to prove to Hans I can be better and then I fail. I hate it! Realistic? It is worse than Dark Souls.

Sure, I will replay. And save sooner than I strand from an area.

Hi. I just decided to play hardcore mode myself.
I got a great tip for the problem of knowing where you are. It was on one of the walkthrough websites.
When you arrive in Rattay, after seeing sir Ratzig and he hired you into his services, don’t report to Nightingale for the guard duty. As a matter of fact, I’m putting it off indefinitely and exploring first.
Instead, you can go to the Rattay huntsmen and pick up the bird in a cage side quest.
You will receive the 3 birdcages from him to catch the missing birds.
Don’t finish this quest!! As soon as you have the bird cages in You inventory, they don’t weigh anything, you can set them down anywhere and it will show you on the map theirs location, thus showing your location as well.
It is a bit of a pain, setting them down and, don’t forget to pick them back up!


Hardcore adds a dimension to play that is both challenging and frustration. If anyone has ever tried to do night navigation while hiking in the woods will attest to the fact that it is very easy to get lost. As you travel you notice landmarks and remember road or buildings and use them for waypoints in navigating your way around the map. Hardcore is meant to br hard otherwise what is the use?

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I agree with you. Points well taken.
I’ve played the game through in normal mode of course, and I’m very familiar with the world map. After putting the game on the shelf for a few months, I wanted to try the game in hardcore mode, especially since I wanted to use a different approach this time.
I guess it’s sort of cheating, using the bird cage trick, but sometimes, I just found myself in desperate need of some better orientation.
For example, when I was looking for a grave or a treasure chest.

This is useful, nice.

This quest was pain for sure.

I manage pretty well when I can see the sky, but in the thick of the woods its easy t get lost.

I travelled during night in the forests on normal mode without looking on the map. No problem, I had the moon shining, sometimes water in my way, once I fell from a high so I took damage. My concern however is that game restricts me to explore, linearity in open world… Brrr, no!

I finished game on normal and played another 80 hours after the end game, searching interesting points, treasures, Ashes DLC and finally replaying.

I like that I can get lost in the woods but not without my horse and over encumbered. Pain in the ass to drag myself.

The thing is, I only needed to find some prominent point which I could find on the map, like building, road, river, trees. I would be happy if the game continued and I failed quest further away.

As I mentioned. I was on horse in this quest and couldn’t figure out where is Hans chasing a boar for a while. While in this case on hardcore, I was directly killed off, I didn’t die, non-predictable, I could have saved.

On PC you can mod back just the compass ,and even a marker if not bothered by mod use. Can even remove it after the quest.

I don’t want mods, no need for more bugs and possibly broken game.

Hehe. I suppose thats a good trick, though a bit of a cheesy exploit.
I must however point out the weirdness of the compass loosing all pointers. I use a mod to get the N/S etc vissible again because…

First, how stupid do you have to be to not make a some kind of mark on the compass, just for a single point of guiding. F.ex north. maybe even two marks, a north and south.
The first compasses in the world where much much older. of course not hardware you had on you.
“pocket compasses” however had been around for several hundred years before dear Henry came along.
So if the hardcore mode really should be real… a blacksmith shouldn’t own a compass, but as Henry reaches God-standing and the wealth to buy the country, perhaps he could buy a compass or it could even be a quest.

That of course only tell you your direction, not position.

They didn’t want to take away totally the directions though it is useless to me cause I can go straight even if I’m looking around.

That’s why I don’t play hardcore. It’s not about difficulty, it’s about frustration in some points, plus bugs. Waste 2 hours of playing cause a bug… No no, not for me.

But normal mode is too easy…

Is hardcore mode more bugged than normal?

I’ve had the suspicion myself.

I haven’t noticed any bugs in hardcore mode. I’ve even made my main game in which I play the DLCs and collect items hardcore because normal is too easy. I haven’t had any trouble finding all the treasure and I’m currently looking for all the missing crosses and shrines to get the achievement. It’s just basic map-reading.

no , hardcore mode is not bugged any more or any less then non- hard core.

PS. to get around sometimes ill just ride my horse at full speed using the river, most of the cities are located near a river. as we all know u cant ride in the middle of the river but u sure can ride full speed in the water close to the middle. sometimes its way faster to take the water somewhere, sometimes it might take a bit longer but its always easier then riding through the woods and getting knocked off by a branch.my horse is more like a jet ski sometimes lol…
also i never tested this idea out yet, its just a theory lol. if u have the drinking perk “Safe Passage” (When you drink yourself to oblivion, you’ll wake up at home in bed and none of your inventory items will be gone. Can’t be combined with the Bacchus perk) i think you can technically be where ever you want and just always drink your self back home…

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Hahaha. Just like in real life… How the hell did I get home last night.

And I totally agree, the feeling in the endgame of softcore, was just… well like skyrim. Hardcore gives so much more and kinda feel like how they inteded the game to be original.

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Yeah. Good thing they did hardcore.

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I finally got back to my game only to find out I did not waste 2 hours of gameplay but 8 minutes as I slept shortly before I failed main quest mission. Such relief.

I found Hans but I stuck in infinite loading. It only happened to me once before with Theresa.

Maybe a dumb question but… where is this hardcore mode?