Hare Hunt Quest not working PLEASE HELP

I talked to the innkeeper in talmberg and the huntsman now has the quest giver symbol on the map, but when i speak to him he gives no quest. Please someone help! Thanks!

Same for me! Its not only that quest giver its every quest giver/activity giver on the map. either i don’t have the dialogue options or all i can do is pick pocket them! KCD is so broken its sad.

I’m on Xbox One and it worked for me, did it probably around 25 hours into the game? Right after I did Baptism of Fire, triggering Questions and Answers and I went straight to Talmberg and did the quest.

For better help from other people I would suggest where abouts in the game/story you are, what system you are on and what version of the game you are running as well as if it is standard or Hardcore Mode; as bugs differ based on these things.

Good luck in getting these quests going!

I’ve finished the main story and from the ashes dlc and was going back to wrap up any lingering quests. i’m on xbox one, normal mode version 1.6.1. with my game its not just that specific quest, its literally every quest and/or activity on the map.

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Please send a bugreport to:
thank you!

send your save file in to the link the other user provided but also may try loading back before you completed the story line? Someone was having problem wrapping up the Matthew and Frittz line and they back loaded and I’m pretty sure it worked for them. Good luck.

I have already emailed support, report id 45852. is it possible for me to send my save file when i’m on console?


I´m no expert for consoles,… I don´t know. :slight_smile:
But if it´s possible, WH will contact (Email) you. Maybe they need also more infos…

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You could load it onto a flash drive and send it to them

that probably isn’t necessary though lol

I Just sent my save file to that link. Also I have finished the main story and from the ashes dlc, and i’m playing on pc. Im just trying to finish the quest line for the huntsman, Andrew the innkeeper, and Matthew and Fritz.

Just and FYI for this thread… I received an email from Warhorse stating they are aware of this bug and are actively working on a resolution.