I think the melee guy is the more serious opponent. I solved this by trying so many times that I got a good headshot with a bow. At the same time I tried to stay between the archer and melee guy and actually the archer sometimes hits the melee guy when trying to shoot you. After that the melee guy is easier to kill. Archer can then be killed when he is still using his bow, by running to him and bashing his head with what ever weapon you have.
What about something like that?
Hi Radzig: My 2-pennies worth…
If you choose to simply untie Hans, wait until night. Even better, use the time to do some more hunting and only head up to the camp when it starts to get dark. At night, one Cuman will be sleeping and the other sat at the fire. The one at the fire will change sides at regular intervals. Sneak close to the camp behind Hans. Wait until the fire guy moves and is facing away, sneak in and untie, sneak out.
For a decent stealth outfit, everything you need can be obtained from the 3 bandits you fight on the road to Skalitz - from the last 2 actually. Between them, you can get the Padded Dark Coif, Ordinary Tarred Jacket, Noble Boots, Hunters Gloves and the ‘quiet’ variant of Patched Hose. Not only does this make you look like epic Scum of the Earth it gives you low noise and visibility. For a decent weapon, the Skalitz Bailiffs Shard is as good as it gets for one-handed. Steal a shield from Talmberg to go with it.
For the combat route, I think it’s still best to wait for night to aid the initial takedown. You really don’t want to fight both at once. The archer is usually my first target - unlike the Cumans in road ambushes with Dogwood bows and hunting arrows, this guy is the real deal. He has the proper Cuman bow and a quiver full of wounding arrows. He will hurt you a lot. Melee guy isn’t so much of a big deal without his archer buddy backing him up.
I reckon the best approach is from the west side of the camp - it gives you the option of sneaking up behind the guy at the fire when he is facing away, or sneaking over to the tent where the other is sleeping.
If you don’t have Stealth Kill at this point, close range archery is probably a better option than trying the knockout lottery. Don’t bother with fancy headshots - the Cumans have helmets and mail collars. Aim for the body, where they have no armour. Another reason to target the archer - he doesn’t have a shield strapped to his back. You can sneak up close and shoot him in the back with ease. If he’s in the tent, even easier.
Then melee the other.
In melee, just be patient. Even melee guy isn’t so great. Stab at the face, slash low at his unarmoured body on the side away from his shield. Remember your blocks and follow him up when you get a chance. Back off when you need a rest and stab at him when he comes chasing you.
This is brilliant. I had no idea the Cumans weren’t hanging around Hans too much at night. I might indeed try this! Thank you!
A little tip to help a bit with combat. Until you get better, there’s a type of clinch you have a good chance of winning if you run close to your enemy and hit LT with Xbox L2 with PlayStation (not sure about PC) if you are fast you can take advantage of the enemies momentary pause to get in a good headshot. Just make sure not to attemp this while your enemy is swinging at you. Also practice combat with captain Bernard. He can’t be found right outside of the upper Rattay gate by the combat arena. Use practice weapons until you are more confident as there will be no consequences to losing one of these matches, although if you fight him with real weapons you will get more experience. Make sure you know what your doing before fighting with real weapons because while he won’t kill you he will beat the piss out of you, injure you, smash your armor and make you bleed witch will result in death if not bandaged soon enough.
Is the rescue taking place in DLC or it is the hunting with Capon quest?
Your text suggest that it is in normal game.
Never had to free up Hans because killing just 2 cumans is so easy
Clinch depends on the strength and most enemies are stronger than Henry, better avoid clinching.
I’ve never had any trouble fighting in this game for some reason, even with low stats. Possibly because I first learnt it on a very weak machine at 2-4 fps during combat, so now at 25-60 fps everything is a piece of cake. When outnumbered, I suggest moving a lot and making sure that nobody is ever standing behind you. Also make sure that there is always someone or something between you and any archers. Stabbing is faster than slashing, so if you trigger an attack at the same time as your opponent, you might get there first. Perfect block followed by a stab is also a good strategy. If you have more people attacking you, you can unlock your targeting by holding the right mouse button and dragging the cursor away (or to another opponent). Good luck!
That’s a feat!
I used to joke and say that Henry is epileptic. It made perfect blocks pretty much impossible, but all the more reason to learn to move around my enemies. I eventually cracked up and bought a better machine just to play more comfortably. Ripostes were a welcome revelation.
Take a look on YouTube to get some maps for treasure chests, some contain good armour and weapons which should help you.
Alright buddy I got yer back, listen up.
Target the melee guy first make sure he’s blocking the archers line of sight so he cannot shoot you.
If you’re having trouble even hitting the cuman, walk very close to him like in his face to force a clinch.
Hopefully you got the perk to help with clinch that way you can easily overpower him and he’ll be left vulnerable after the clinch. -
After taking out the melee target, rush to the archer before he redraws, or pull out a melee weapon.
Stab him before he has the chance to defend himself. -
(Optional) Start by shooting them, make sure they are basically in the middle of your screen when aiming and
the arrow is a slight bit to the left of them. That way you should have a accurate shot, if you miss don’t worry just pull out that sword as quick as possible. -
If you still cannot beat them, reload a save before you start the quest and talk to peshek and learn lock picking and pocket Picking. At night train lock picking on easy doors in rattay or ledechtko. Knock out(Do NOT KILL) villagers to also raise stealth. I don’t suggest doing this in rattay unless you’re confident in your stealth ability.
Lechechtko is less punishing since you aren’t always there and I’m wanted there and will be jailed if caught. But I walk through there and just avoid the guards so I don’t repent my crimes.
Not sure how waited til night, but if I wait until night they’d kill him and I’d fail the mission get hung for letting him die and have to restart from my last checkpoint.
This is exactly what I did.
It took me until nightfall to find him. Because I was on hardcore with no waypoints on my first playthrough. I was also fully burdened with too many items so I walked around at 1 speed the whole time. Basically, I killed a deer to beat him at the hunting challenge and the deer meat overloaded me.
Once I found him, I saved and snuck in to untie him and we both slipped away into the night.
No fighting.
There was no way I could kill one of those guys, let alone two!
also played with 10-15fps during my first play true… make perfect blocking easy after I got a new PC…
I sneaked up and freed him and we sneaked most of the way back and didnt have to engage them in combat whatsoever. In the Middle of the day too
Thanks this is one of the three good replies in this thread. I just started playing and I’m happy there are more options to this game than just picking up loot and swinging it around like a maniac. Because I really don’t like the idea of doing that job for Peshek, or running around the streets at night knocking everyone out. Plus I didn’t train before this quest only the one time as I am playing it very linear. So, I’m trying to rescue Hans with no gear, no arrows and a blugeon/seax.
After trying to defeat the two Cumans in combat multiple times and failing, I came to the conclusion I had neither the skills or the kit yet to defeat two Cumans. at that point in the game.
Because of this I decided to try the stealth approach, I crouched and set myself up directly behind Hans, not far, just by the small hillock so I couldn’t be seen. I then pushed the time forward to 1 am. It was very very dark.
Then crouching all the time I moved very, very slowly towards Hans and when just behind him, the untie option came up which I took. When Hans was untied he said ‘Follow me’ and this was only posssible by using the compass and following the A shield.
This all worked first time, without a hitch. I’m thinking that as the quest is so early in the main quest line in the game, it’s more about teaching stealth and that there are other options to combat in such situations. Either way, it seemed so much easier than taking the two Cumans on and then success in this quest opened up some good stuff.
You can also sneak up one, kill him from behind. Then face the second one. Or use a bow
After getting the knife and unlocking ability to stealth kill it becomes pretty easy to raid camps at night. Too easy actually so that it isn’t even fun anymore.