Have you guys seen the map size?!

Oh, I have a question about the map. In the end of videoupdate #7 Dan says something about a new village on the map. Can you tell us the name of the village? Is it Úžice? I think it would fit in the map and it have a nice church. Also it would be nice to have this wonderful big forest between Ttalmberk and Úžice to have some more wilderness.

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Now I have seen the map in the livestream and yes, it is Úžice. This is great, I like it. :smiley:

You’re not even a backer and you’re complaining about the game?

Look at the date of the start topic, it was on februar 4. I don´t think he will read about it.

Still felt like that needed to be said.


So… again an old topic, digged up. Its a hint, or a question about the website.
The map is not only 9km², it is something around 16km² now as far as I know (thats nearly twice as big! Amazing!), but as you see on the website, there still is written something about 9km².

As the mapsize was one of the major points of critique, would it be not useful to show the world now how big the map now is and change the information on the homepage? So people get more interested in the game and not deterred by the “small size”?


I dont know what you are talking about. Map is currently 16km2 (4x4) which is one of the biggest maps in open world games. Its comparable to Skyrim which could be hardly called small. Map in alpha is very small 500x200m or so and represents only a glimpse at the game.


@Hellboy Dan, look at the date of the thread, how old it is. And he isn´t even a baker. :wink:
Anyway. The information on website still talks about 9km² and this should be changed.
16km² is a really good great map, love it! Everyone should know about this. :heart_eyes:


if only you could see me grin right now. :grin:

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you realise that he could?

There is this modern piece of technology that can capture your grin and put it on mr. Vávra’s screen.

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didnt wavra mentioned, that the map size will be increased, after the final release?

Depends on which map size you’re talking about and what you mean with “after the final release”.

Yes, the map size will be bigger at release date. But also the map size will expand with every act. I hope that’s the answer you were looking for.

thats what i meant… it will get bigger with every new Act/Chapter, well i hope so! :slight_smile:

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the vertical element unlocks greater sense of scale and mitigates any problems by smaller map size relatively speaking.

winding mountain trails. tunnels going underground, etc, castle and walls.

Act 1 is slightly smaller than Skyrim, it’s not THAT small…
Plus, by the time you finish doing absolutely everything, act 2 should be out.

I love the map. more detailed and everything. In this map you can WALK… in other games you must run because theyre too boring.

so I think this map is pretty big

The map size is bigger than most popular rpgs out there. They have made it much larger than what OP is saying.

If you scrolled a bit up, you could read this:

According to this guy the Skyrim map is somwhere between 13 to 20 square km. I think the article can be trusted as he explained and showed how he got to the result.

Lol you want a lot of hate mail dont you :slight_smile:

oh wait this was made a year ago? … why post on here… geeze…