Hello to all!

Hello to all!

I’m new here, amazingly (sadly!) I have not heard about this game until just a couple of days ago. I’ve been reading a lot about it since and I have watched a lot of YouTube videos of the 2016 Beta.

I’m amazed and very impressed! I feel now very sorry that I didn’t hear about this game either earlier (so I could have participated in the beta!) or later (so I didn’t have to endure this antagonising wait until the release!)

Now that the release is so close however, I’d like to give the whole team a big congrats and thumbs up for what already looks like a very ambitious and impressive game.
I’m sure the team’s days are now very busy and hectic, squashing as many bugs as they can manage.

I’m very interested to experience for myself what the combat system will be like, how quickly I will get used to it, or if I will just suck completely at it and resort to the non-violent options as much as I can manage. :wink:

I’m wondering how big the world will be in the final game. I have read that the world in the beta is around 16 square km which is not very big when compared with Witcher 3 or SkyRim, but can be big enough for the game. I’m wondering though if for the final game the world is bigger, and if so, how large it is.

This game promises to fix some of the things that irk me in my otherwise favourite games like Withcer 3 and SkyRim - things like food that never goes off, the ability to carry around a truckload of weapons and armour, or quests where NPCs tell you to hurry up and join them elsewhere as soon as possible, but then wait forever until you arrive “Just in the Nick of Time”.

I’m looking forward to seeing how this affects my gameplay, how it affects the outcomes of quests, and how much it will add to the replayability of this game!

So in other words, after just 2 or 3 days of stuffing myself with information about this game, I’m pretty stoked for it already!

–Tim (no, not that Timmy from that quest… :wink: )


Hi. Map is still 16km^2.

OK, thanks for answering that! :slight_smile:

in beta you could only access a very small part of the map so you cant compare
welcome in the forum btw

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Velen & Novigrad was only around 11.5-12km^2 inside the “walkable” boundary. Far horizon vistas included into the map coordinates don’t make a larger player world… even if quoting them is technically ‘correct’ it doesn’t accurately describe the player’s world size.
Novigrad temple to Army group camp was around 3.6km.

Ye but Velen looked bigger because it was filled with villages and had 2 cities.
While om the other hand KCD will be more authwmthic medieval semi rural