Help Please Guys

Hey guys, I am currently playing the game on the old xbox one and the lag is unbareable. Its so glitchy and its ruining the entire game for me. Someone has mentioned to me that you can turn the graphics down, is this true? will it help and how can I do it?

Also has anyone else had this issue and if so how did you resolve the problem?

Thank you in advance for any help

I don’t do consoles, but I did a quick search for you. There seems to be a lot of complaints, but little solution. This post has a couple things to try by the looks of it.

Thank you mate. I hope its fixed soon

At least they are working on things. Many companies these days release broken games and never fix them. At least Warhorse has communicated with the public, and let them know they are working on it. All we can do now is wait.

To true that mate

I have poated across these forum a few times ways consoles players can help themselves through this.

Most threads arejust filled with people who like to come back with entitles rants.

So these- the official forums are mostly viewed by visitors (who move on due to unhealthy forum vibe) amd whingebots.

Eg each new patch is the worst (they claim); make it like the last patch (although just as many complained about that)…

What we have is a game with a lot of baggage (a subset of the user community).

Once this massive open world diverse pathed roleplaying game gets to ‘the second month’ of its existence- maybe the trophy completionist will have moved on and the games intended olayerbase can get on with having a forum to share their game on…

Until that happens- suppose we just keep creating new threads- in the hope we can get ten posts without it being hijacked by rants-completely opposite to these words- youll know them when your hear them-they restate every bad thing the net says about the game, make predictions about the studio based on market statistics and usually denegrate the artists personally. Also a few subthemes crop up like ‘value of the game’ (that the whiners only played hundreds of hours on)…

Anyhow if you have streaming asset issues and you are on an ancient xbox one (the ones microsoft pretends doesnt exist anymore), and you cant be fussed to learn how to maintain your console- sure- turn the ingame music off.

It might remove some overhead from the harddrive that is working extra hard on your older console to try to find the game files scattered over your consoles drive.

But why do it?
Isnt it easier to just complain like the 1% of everyone else (who make up 70% of this forum) who has had an issue an needs to have others not share kind words about the product or help others get the best from it…

Apparently we become ‘fanbois’ if we are here to help figure out issues.
So I doubt the remaining few willing to put up with the children on here are willing to go to war on a dayly basis with professional net trolls.

Nice new thread; good luck.

TL:DR turn off music. Report back if it helps in any way.
Wait for a rerelease/delete and download newest version of the game (rather than running updates on existing files)

Thank you mate. I’l try and turn the music off.

Yes im on the orignal xbox one and dont have the money to get a new one unfortunately.

I hope I dont fall into the whinging cretin category lol

Definately not you- hence me having a rant…
Just letting you know an environment you’ve stumbled across.

This game could be gotten on top of inside a small amount of time (it still will- but garners way unecessary negativity on its way there) and if we assisted the developers and kept the community with a positive tone; they probably feel wanton to be more visably present here.

For ever solution that can be given or every temp fix that the community comes up with- they gets burried in negative allegations etc.

To the point that these forums cease to serve their purpose. The purpose they now serve is for children to complain and tell peiple off who arent complaining.

The orig xbox one is possibly a subset of difficulties that the devs need to sort out- though I wouldnt know as how would we distinct, sorry’ destill’ any issues still prevailent from the mass of noise overrunning these threads (its just two handuls of people total- crazy)

My best recommendation - a little time costly- do a game backup. Clean up your xbox drive, and restore the game. Should remove A LOT of file fragmentation and give you a best case scenario to work with.

If probs persist -we will cross that bridge then- it really depends on your playstyle and what you want from this (type of) game.

Think there’s a cache problem and it causes uneven performance even within platform. Previously, you mentioned save files don’t contain all data being used to drive gameplay

Trimming save files, restarting sys, delete-re-download … they help and have fixed some problems I’ve had on PS4. I have some problems other (vanilla) PS4 users don’t, and they have some I don’t

How do I do this chaps?

Basil take your ‘steps to do this’ from anyone else- I dont have an xbox in my house…

Generally what you want is some sort of a backup option. It should allow you to copy all the game files to an external disc. (This is important- as this copy process forces all game files to travel together, and be ready to return to our system once we have cleaned up a big spot for them to return to).

Now I havent been following xbox specific issues. Many clean up their bluray cache files and this is what has helped me ascertain what is needed to fix…

If you want a best case-night/day difference then I would suggest to restore your console to factory settings/format the drive.
Warning: this is annoying for some people who arent techie minded and get overwhelmed in the xbox config screens. If this is you -dont do this step!
Admittedly a few users acknowledge that their console specific settings HAVE been affecting gameplay framerates…

Next step (after backup) is to clean space. If unwilling to format the drive (deletes ALL data) then uninstall a few large games and games installed on the first day of owning the console.
Their files will be at the start of the drive, and may prove optimal for reinstalling to.

After drive cleanup; restore the backup.
Now all of KCDs files are together. (Not scattered across drive/fragmented) this aids in rapid loading and tracking to data that is needed. Many issues should drop right off… (eg you experience the game the devs are selling)

My phones on low. Will check back later :wink: