''Henry is here!'' ''Oh Henry has come to see us!''

My best was when I got frustrated in Rattay over this so I took out my axe and… took out some frustration on the nearby people and then people who saw that was running away ofc, but while they was running for there life ‘‘Henry has come to see us!’’


You misheard them:
“Henry has come to slay us!” :smile:

A few greeting would be alright, and more frequent from traders and named npcs that you spoken to. I also think these are the only ones that should adress you by your name.

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Well, I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, the area doesn’t have a huge population. Like a small town, everyone seems to know everyone (and their business). But it does seem a bit out of place when people seem to know the main character without much frequency. I could definitely see traders that I’ve been to greet me with recognition, but not the average townsfolk.

But, on a related note, I really appreciate the details given to the noble-peasant relationships. Getting talked down to by a noble, and having henry give frank replies (and not being received well by the nobles) was a great touch! It really helps set the tone of societal relations during the period. Its one thing to read about feudalism, but its quite another to ‘experience’ it. Great job, Devs!

Exactly, I reach new towns I never been too and they start saying “Hey Henry is Here” and Im like…Lame

at least they like you.

Everytime I hear iti;'m like “in your wish hehehe”

“God save you Henry!” “Hey! Henry has come to see us.” “How are ya Henry!” “Hello Henry.” x1000

This soon to be a meme just like “I used to be adventure like you”, “Let Me Guess, Someone Stole Your Sweetroll” many years ago. : ))

“I was once a filthy peasant like you Henry, untill I took a few bandit camps of loot to Rattay”.

Even your best buddies fitz and matthew greet you with something along the lines of we are humbled to speak with a knight such as yourself, but then once you start talking to them they act like life long friends again. Kind of odd, not sure if its by design or not.


Is welcome Henry annoying shi.t gone after patch? I started a new game and when I enter Skalitz I remember there was some of this but now it is gone…

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