Hey Guys! And Gals! I Made A Thing


Fashion Come…the sucessor to Fashion Souls

The fanciest peasant in all the land

“He’s not a peasant, he’s a blacksmith…”.

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Good cheat, you didn’t even escape Skalitz yet.

Cheat? How plebian. It’s a mod!

Also I’m having some trouble with the spec map, there’s supposed to be gold accents everywhere. But they’re not there and i have no idea why. Would appreciate any tips

looks a bit too fantasy, i like my henry grounded in reality. but i like how you made the coif sit over the chest, not under it.

looks a bit too fantasy, i like my henry grounded in reality. but i like how you made the coif sit over the chest, not under it.

That’s Sir Divish’s armour, which already had the model with the coif over the plate as it should be with all coifs in game.

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