High HDD usage

I’m not sure about other games, because I can’t quite remember it. But does anyone else seem to have constant 100% hdd usage? I honest don’t even think the witcher 3 has that high of disk usage.

I am having the same issue, so far i’ve tried a mod that is supposed to fix it and it didnt work for me. I really dont want to buy an SSD just to play this game.

No need to do that necessarily.

What is your drive config?

More than one drive?
How much RAM?

If you can share with me some models of your drive(s) I will make some setup suggestions.

Like moving a swapfile/paging file location to a different disk etc…
Bound to be some recommendations that can be offered.
100% usage is not ideal- we need some headroom.

Yea, it’s not really necessary to get one. I ended up getting an ssd for this and because I’d been wanting one for sometime anyway. It at least helped me out tremendously on pop-in’s and such. Though now I have a better cpu and ram then I did when I posted this.