Homepage of KCD


Something is fishy with your homepage!
Look at the news section!

To už jednou bylo asi před třema čtyřma tejdnama taky tam mlel nejaký cirkevní bullshit. Divný jak se to tam dostalo, těžko by to tam dával někdo z KCD teamu :symbols:

The News are automatic generated. I don´t know how exactly, but I searches for news in social media. And since “Kingdom Come” is a biblical phrase, it sometimes finds the wrong articles…

as @TobiTobsen is not here now, he is on the way to cologne, maybe @anna can help us here. I think she maybe is the only one left at prague or something… besides Luboš… but does Luboš have an forum nickname, anyway? :scream:

Elijah the Restorer strikes back! Thank you, I have informed the authorities :wink: It is some kind of mistake.
Btw: Luboš does not have the account, and yes, I have been left behind in Prague, because I have some other things I have to do here :wink:


Is the main page new?
Looks promising…


i wish i had a poster of that pic, i’d so put it on a wall

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Its a good page, i think they should re-style the rest of the site aswell