How do I get out of talmburg honorably?

its ok, just remember - if they don’t catch you it’s not stealing!

I wanted to get the armour and do things that way, but I just couldn’t get the hang of lockpicking so early in the game. I was burning through picks. Plus the guards wouldn’t leave that room for longer than a few seconds and I kept getting caught.

So I got bored and just jumped the drawbridge and ran. Hurted my feetz a bit, but got away fairly easily.

@luzarius If you want the cleanest moral roleplaying choice, I would say running away is a minor misdemeanor, in keeping with Henry’s story / personality, surely? If Henry never did ANYTHING wrong, it’d make for a pretty crap story :joy: I mean he could just go and join Theresa and Peshek and mill flour for the entire game… But, y’know :wink:

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I recall a chest that doesn’t have a lock. Forgot exactly where in the keep.

The tower by the front gate?
Where the table that has the bows on it?

My good friend, a christian priest in real life, once told me that sometimes you have to commit a smaller sin to avoid committing a greater one. And it is justifiable. And forgivable. "The God will understand, my lord. And if he doesn’t, then he is not god and we need not to worry"© That is, we serve an understanding God who reads in our hearts.


Typical christian priest…

Typical atheist :stuck_out_tongue:

''Then God will understand, my lord. And if he doesn’t, then he is not god and we need not to worry"

That’s from Kingdom of Heaven.


you can get out by passing a dialog check with Radim by choosing option “Sir Robard gave permission” your speech has to be 8 to pass it. You have to invest the free stat points at the beginning in speech , talk to everybody and haggle a lot to get the level necessary(best done in Skaliz by power leveling (jumping, piking herbs,selling))perks lowborn and burger help a lot

ps:i know this post is old but i came back to KCD after a while and i was trying to play an honorable henry. had to find a solution to this on my own and it took a while to figure it out

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No not really. You can just stay in talmberg… forever. Lol.