How is the latest patch?

Some of you may remember this forum back in February/March of this year, and how nothing was discussed but how badly the game needed finishing. There were lots of angry customers, myself included.

Personally, I reached the 50 hour mark in the game when it became completely unplayable due to lag. I decided I would simply put the game away and forget about it until the patches fixed the game, because waiting for the developers to release the patches was becoming tedious. Also, a couple of the first patches released actually made the game considerably worse.

Basically my question is this; is it time for me to pick up the game and try again from the start? Or are there still huge issues that make it impossible to finish the game?

I said I would wait a year and come back to it, but I’m looking for something to play over christmas and thought it would be time to give it another shot.

Play now.
Did 1st campaign without ANY bug or crash.
On second one found some minor issues (mainly because I did the quests in unusual way, i.e. instead of escaping from bandits I’ve killed them all before they have captured me).
Now playing just for Cuman killer record (125 and still growing).

Don’t forget to use mods. There is plenty of really good ones.

PS 2
If you played before - Hardcore mode is a must.

I am on my sixth playthrough, honestly I have not experienced any game breaking bugs.

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It’s OK now, go for it. Some little glitches may occur, but nothing big.

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I got the game right when it came out, started playing, got to Talmberk and stopped because my PC could not run it. I started again 2 weeks ago on patch 1.7.2 (continuing with the old save - I wonder if it will bite me) and have been 83 hours in (according to steam) and have not faced any game breaking bug. I saw few graphical glitches and some “strange” behavior of the NPCs, but I attribute them to the design - either intentions or the limits of the game.


5000+ hours play on XBox1. Only had a few save issues back around 1.4.~ patches. A few glitches with Cpt Bernard in training, and Capon walking around in his braes. I have been pleased with the game.

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I have been one of the fortunate ones. I have never experienced a game breaking problem. Yes, the occasional glitch, but going back to the last save and replaying normally resolved the problem. KCD may have a few glitches, but almost every other game s does too. Wishing all my fellow gamers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!..… and if you are like me and do not celebrate Christmas than have a great day. Cheers!

I doubt you’ve played over 5 000 hours. 1 year is 8 765 hours and this game hasn’t been out for a full year yet.

You are very correct. My Xbox app gave me that #. I just did a review of my year 2018 and the actual hours count is over 1350 hours specifically in KCD. Thanks. Still, other than a few save glitches, Bernard getting stuck in an awkward looking position during a training session, Bernard not being being able to inflict damage to me during another training session, Hans going around in his braes (after I sold his clothes, some screen shaking experienced during some early episodes, etc., I haven’t had much trouble.

I have witnessed some very ugly glitches… Not just getting stuck on a horse, but being able to see through the walls of castles. There’s been times where the guards at Rattay were literally walking on air