How many rabbits did you get?

i got 5 rabbits, enough to beat him but is it a decent number?

I got about 5 as well and I killed like 4 deer but I could not carry all the meat which made me sad. The deer were Easyer to kill, I used about 5 arrows on average to kill one rabbit, they are head shot practice

I think I got 6 or 7. But it costs me aloooooot of arrows :wink:
And I didn’t felt like I did a great job :wink:
But I like the bow in this game. It’s not that awesome “I hit everyone with 1 shot from 1000m away” feeling - which is good…


I killed 9 rabbits and I also like this bow mechanics. The joy when you actually hit something… :smiley:

Hint: You can collect the arrows on the ground and use them again :slight_smile:

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I killes 8 rabbits and 1 deer :smiley:
problem was I was so overloaded that I had to throw half of it away

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Yea, which is good. But I couldn’t find all of them. They where spread in a very wide angle - especially at the beginning of the hunt when I had absolutely no clue of how to use the bow :wink:
But later in the hunt all missed shots where very nice around the rabbit (and the rabbit in the middle).

Ahhh, and while we’re talking about: Is it “normal” that the rabbits doesn’t flee if you missed them? I mean: An arrow which i 1mm away from the rabbit. And the rabbit sits there, and is just waiting for the next arror :wink:

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Yep, they are brave rabbits of bohemia and they can´t be scared by some stupid arrows flying around their heads !



Welcome to central europe, where the wildlife just doesn’t care about you pesky human! :sunglasses:

@janfo: This is exactly how it went down for me aswell :smiley:

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Now I’m very happy, seems I am better at archery than I thought. I got 8. My hit-ratio on living subjects is less than 10% but I think that is in large part caused by shooting at the archery range.

i won and not sure how many but average was about 20 arrows to hit one rabbit, i still dont know how i was even able to beat him on the compition in castle way shooting is , hope with skill gets better

I had 10-12 rabbits. I had some arrows by myself and took some in camping spot, so no problem with that. I have to admit that these several ingame hours were glorious. Just me vs rabbits in marvelous forest. :rabbit2::rabbit2:


I only got 3.
He never told me how many he got but I got some money so guess I won.

17 for me, had to actually make a trip back to the chest at camp to unload haha love hunting in this

I’d done some less-than-legal hunting prior to the trip with Hans, so I bagged about 20. :laughing: I wasn’t sure how good Hans would be, and I didn’t want to lose. I was so overloaded it took over an in-game hour to drag all the meat back to camp.

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Got 10-14 in the few times I’ve done it. Lots on paths next to camp and clearing ENE of camp

I got 35 on my first playthrough. I thought Hans was a master hunter and expected him to get 30 hares, therefor I shot 35 to be safe. Pity you get the same reward if you merely kill 5 or so.

But best way is this :smile:

well, if you kill the very first 3 hares you meet you get the same output ^^ but stylish indeed

btw., most of you killed at least one so you don’t know how much sir hans really got …

my very first campaign was 100% non-lethal … i got 0 rabbits, he told me “dont worry, i got none as well” :frowning: so, 0 is ok and 1 should be enough to get the reward, haha

I got about 20 odd I think, Rabbits everywhere!