How many times have you started KCD over?

Fair enough. I love playing for fun, but I like collecting those trophies too :slight_smile:

Excellent!.. Just like I love exploring everywhere and opening every chest in the game, talking to everyone, completing every side quest and collecting at least 1 of every item in the game. As far as trophies go, there is one called ā€œVirginā€, which is one that I will never get ever. :rofl:

In my opinion this game has no replay value after beating it once. On my second play thru I realized just how much my decisions donā€™t affect anything besides someone either praising you or scolding you. Henry says stupid things like thanks but no thanks Iā€™m no thief!?!? What??? What if I was playing a thief? Oh wait there really isnā€™t classes or anything special to strive to be in this game except Henry and while the first play thru is fun and the combat is awesome the game has no real interesting role playing aspects to it. I think all the articles and posts about how this was going to be some hardcore real rpg got me way overhyped bc I am completely underwhelmed by the so called choices this game has. I know I will get raged on for this post but I will say again the game is fun and awesome but really only for like 2 playthrus at most. The strongest point about kingdom come is itā€™s combat and with time I hope to see this expanding into more rpg where I can actually role play different builds.

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Have never been able to finish. Feel like i got Ripped Off!!

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Say that now wait till mods come out itā€™ll change ur tune ā€œhopefullyā€

No times. No issues.

Fifteen + times.
(No issues)
Enjoy playing character with different play styles etc.
Early game (most gimped character) often proves most funā€¦

Family have multiple starts as well.
A lot of value netted already and we havenā€™t begun ā€˜playingā€™ the game yetā€¦

just to fix that bug from the halberds lying around making fps drop

Iā€™m still in my original playthrough from day one releaseā€¦ :grimacing:


Me too :slight_smile:


Playline1 is from day 1 but I restarted from Die is cast save (I wanted to get flaming heart shield :drooling_face: ā€¦ but then WH equipped bandit bosses with it :man_facepalming: ) ā€¦ now at ~620h playing Epilogue as free play (sandbox)

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If I just eat and sleepā€¦ are these events gonna happen without me taking part in it. Or the game waits for you to trigger some quest?

OR Is it gonna be an eternal summer??

some side quest will become un-available but you can spend a lot of time at certain point away from the main quest. and will not start until you initiate it

BTW due bugs, patches and save corruption about 4 or 5x