How mature will the game be?

Well friend, that’s a child’s way of viewing things. The best way to get people to cooperate is to keep them in constant fear and cowed. Burning a village as a act of terror was quite common in the days, even among people of the same nationality and religion.

Nudity/sex is pretty well neutered by the fact that this was highly religious time. While peasants probably went around like rabbits, it’s quite unlikely for unknown traveler to witness anything.

As for gore, that mission in trailer with dead livestock pretty much set the standard and I’m okay with this. You cannot make era with insane amount of melee weapons and have not some blood spilled or something cut off sometimes.
Chivalry: Medieval warfare is also good example or middle age gore done right, aside exploding heads :confused:

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Actually the times before reformation are famous for very loose morals. At least in this area. And again int his area it changed significantly after Hussite Wars which are just few years ahead of the story of our game.


It’s going to be so mature it’s gonna have wrinkles all over its face. So bloody mature that it’ll beat you to death with all its life experience and weird places it takes all conversations.


Blood eagle!

(if you watch the History Channel’s “Vikings”, don’t read what a blood eagle is on Wikipedia because it contains a massive spoiler for a later season)