it says all backers can get access to the Alpha on their profile pages,so im guessing anything counts?like one dollar or even 1 cent
To gain access to the alpha you need to pay $49.99 USD.
There used to be lower tiers but they recently updated it and removed the tiers that were less popular and did not offer alpha access.
WOW,so i have to pay at least 50dollars to get the Alpha access,thats a little bit too much isnt it.I mean I only paid 30bucks for GTA V,which is a full game with much more popularity
This is not a buying of a product, this is a pledge. You are basicly donating to development and for that you will get alpha access and full game. You are not buying alpha access.
in order to compare the price to gta 5, you have to wait until this game has gone retail for over a year, and then go on sale at steam. happy waiting.
also, gta 5 is garbage and cannot be compared to this in any way.
garbage is a personal view, with which I strongly disagree - but with KGC it is not only apples and oranges, but more like apples and carrots. They are games, nothing more. Maybe FPS view, but anyway.
You get what @Freix said alpha, beta and full game, along with some other items. Such as a digital manual , the game sound track, and a making of video. Not sure weather its making of the soundtrack or making of the game.
All said and done i would say its quite a good deal and you’re supporting an awesome game. The choice is yours of course but i would say now is a very good time to be backing seeing how alpha 4.0 is coming within the next week or two. It will include combat, horse riding, a larger map and other features.
Seems like you didn´t get the idea behind crowdfunding …
Greetings good sir! It’s not 50 bugs for the Alpha, but 50 bugs for:
Different goodies
And the finished Game (Act 1)
So compared to the estimated retail prices… you get way more for your money right now!
No,i was just wondering is there a way to gain access to alpha with you know,less payment.Cos I dont really want those other stuff that was included in that 50-dollar bundle,I only want the game per se and dont be offended,but I dont really care if im paticipated in this crowdfunding.So it would be nice to have an option that I can just pay to gain access to Alpha and Beta and so on,but with less money cos you know Im only paying for the game per se.
You will have to wait if you only want the game. Also your post is confusing. You say you want alpha then you don’t want alpha only the game.
As already stated you can’t buy alpha but you can fund the game and get alpha and beta access as a bonus.
Well, then you need to wait - otherwise you have the option to contribute in supporting the development and also get access to alpha and beta by doing so.
And as Tobi stated you aren´t paying more if you go down this road.
So if you decide to wait for the game to be released you´ll probably pay pretty much the same price but don´t get access to alpha / beta.
No offence taken.