In real life, as a kid, I was quite good with a bow. It took practice. Today I target shoot rifles for fun. It takes practice, even with sights and missiles that fly much faster and ‘more true’ than an arrow.
Doing “real” things in a videogame is often deceptive. If there was a videogame that actually simulated how difficult it is to be accurate, off-hand, with a rifle, there would be a lot of “this sucks” complaints.
In KC:D there’s a few things going on re: archery. I love how the skills progression works by the way.
We have Henry’s skill. We have the player’s skill. We have the quality of the bow and the quality of the arrow. We also have hardware variability- the TV or monitor you use to see Henry’s world.
Of all of these, player skill is the most frustrating thing. Let’s face it- not everyone is going to be good at the personal skill, just like real life. hardware variability could possibly be an issue at long range.
So my advice is- stack the deck in your favor. High quality bows and arrows will give the best result. At low level, poor quality equipment hampers Henry as much as low skill. And if you’re on PC, get a mod for an archery reticle. Personally I don’t use one; it’s the same to me as when I was 12 and shooting a bow and arrow at camp, but in a game, I feel the reticle should be an option.