How to pledge this game?

i want to pledge this game but i don’t know about how to pledge ?

or wait the shop ?

They did a kickstarter some weeks ago, where they raised over 1,000,000 £. The kickstarter is over now and you won’t be able to pledge, until they open their shop.

that mean we can buy game from shop right ?

have the reward same pledge or not ?

Not much is know about the shop so far, so need to wait but yes, will have game int here somewhere for sure

yeah, you should get the same rewards as on kickstarter with some exceptions (like swords etc.)
but we’ll see how it is when the shop is open maybe they’ll have some merchandise, too

Certainly not the same. At list there will be no swords. Swords was a KS’s exclusive reward.

Not true. Swords MIGHT be available in some form, but not exactly like what was available during the Kickstarter project.