How Warhorse must do everything good

As we all know something got massively wrong during the release of Patch 1.4, such as obsolete data, missing cutscenes, broken quests and tons of crashes and other new problems. Even after the hotfix 1.4.1 it’s not as it was planned to be. Warhorse should not release one hotfix after another, instead they should take the 1.3.4 game, recollect all data of the 1.4 patch, look what’s going wrong, polish it and release it again as a full new game setup. Otherwise the game would be a mix of (incomplete) data from different versions. I mean the 1.3.4 was a stable base they should use again for a fresh installation of the patch 1.4. The current GOG setup is a bundle of broken data. I’m looking forward to a new stable 1.4.x or 1.5 release.


Even if they do exactly that, it will be called “patch xxxx” in the numercal ordering system they use, to track versions easily. We wouldn’t know.

…or you could just start over, which appears to be the common advice on this forum :rofl:

Not sure that this advice is unique to this forum, Holt.

As I am writing this I was halted on the roadby bandits (PS4 btw) and I was stuck in a black screen loading in while they were beating my ass to death and when It finally loaded in I was 3/4 down in health and bleeding out. I have the best armor in the game with St Georges sword and I was killed by bandits…

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Actually, it most definitely is.

Just browse the bug & gameplay forum sections. Note the half @$$hat replies ppl are getting trolled for when they post legitimate complaints about not being able to play their game. This trolling happened a lot in the weeks following game release. So the threads may be a couple weeks old.

Also note that some of these fan boi trolls happen to have a “Baron” above their forum name. Those are some of the most rabid KCD forum fan bois, as they most likely donated $$$ to WH back in the Kickstarter days.

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The Barons being devoted to the forums?

Otherway around… thses forums were built specifically for the Barons.
Then the game got released and ‘we’ got let in…

According to common versioning rules it would be 1.5. The gist of the OP is that 1.4 is a white hot mess. 1.3.4 was not, for me and apparently for many others. Restart at 1.3.4. Start merging 1.4 changes in one at a time. Test. test. test.

One interesting thing is that the worst of the issues might be one problem: failure to play cut scenes. Some of the complaint’s don’t sound like that but many of the complaints, including the crash that is killing my game, are centered on a cut scene.

Wished this simple peasant was made cognizant of this potential rise in peerage upon buying the game. Or rather, being told you would rise in peerage. Only to still find yourself hoodwinked and are still the same landless, lowly Villen tilling the fields of the Lord. While gazing sadly across said fields at a castle that represents a caste society you’ll never have a voice of representation in. Because you’ll always be at the bottom of this noble society’s dung heap and so never be accepted in. Just like poor enlightened Dennis here: :joy::sweat_smile::joy:

I also get a blackscreen and I can hear them hitting me, but strangely I don’t get any damage.


This thread and the entire idea that consumers who have already paid for a product should “just wait” for a reworked patch is unhealthy coddling of the developers. Don’t get me wrong I love the game and I’m impressed by what WH has achieved but people like you who keep insisting that we give them more and more slack are not helping any more than those who rant and rave about the state of the game.

This game is not “early access”. The small size of the studio calls for some leniency yes, but not so much that they’re allowed to simply slog along and release fixes when they feel like it, nobody (beyond die-hard fanboys) is going to trust them when their next game is released unless they make up for the mistakes they’ve made on this one, anything short of that is going to alienate most consumers and lead to an ambitious and creative team being unable to establish themselves in the industry.

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