Hussite Wars Mod

Thisis part about Hussite War mod.
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Speaking of the mod… nice scrossbow!
I just noticed - isn’t the rope holding the bow a little bit too thin?

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You mean like this .

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At least thick like this yes.
It is too early for metal bow in my opinion, so I would look at composite/wooden examples


I agree, the string could be thicker. I have been working on learning how to import animated bows so I haven’t really had time to go back and work on the crossbow model.

The concept I posted was based on a replica of a 15th century munitions grade bow with composite limb, however I will note that steel crossbows were in heavy use in early 15th century Europe, as they were much cheaper than composite, required less maintainance, were more reliable than either wood or composite limbs. Composite from my understanding were almost soley reserved (and prohibitively expensive) to nobility, usually for hunting, and would probably not have been seen on the battlefield.

It was common at 15th century in Europe, but what I know it became common in Bohemia only at 16th century.
I guess that there were not yet manufacturers who could do that so they created them in the old way (composite/wooden).

Also “composite” is relatively wide term. It could be layers of wood or horn and wood or some exotic materials (I heard about whalebone f.e.). The cost of those could wary a lot (though it would still be less realiable and effective, and/or more costly than the steel).

@Wenceslaus do you have any references for steel crossbows only becoming popular in Bohemia in the 16thC by any chance? I have actually had a really hard time finding any good references for crossbows in Bohemia in the early 15thC. The only examples that still exist in museams were made for nobility and I cannot determine exactly what design of crossbow (or spanning devices for that matter) would have been used by soldiers or common people, such as the Hussite revolutionaries.

You are absolutely correct about composite limbs actually including wooden varieties though, I guess I was referring to the more exotic ones which are typically referenced.

Are you already on our Discord btw?

Yes I’m on this mod Discord (though under different name and I’m not really active).

I do not have anything but some articles on pages that focus on Hussites and they are in Czech. I will try to find something more oficial.

I think you’d be better off waiting for Kingdom Come 3 lol. Pretty sure this series will be a trilogy. Second game will be set just after the first one, and the third in the Hussite wars. Makes sense because historically Radzig is killed by pro church mob in 1415, the same year Jan Hus is burned, so there is a lot of potential for Henry’s revenge story here. Would be nice if someone made a mod that added crossbows though.

Yeah, seems they are working on #2 right now and hopefully, a year or so out? Maybe 1.5 years?

KC:D (the one we have now) is act 1 and 2 of the story, so there will probably be only act 3 remaining.