I’m pretty sure the devs said somewhere that they have a sex scene in the game, I remember them talking about it during a discussion about the mocap and how awkward it was for the actors ect
I can only imagine , sex scenes would be weird to film
Yeah, cus mo-cap. doesn’t like, when people do make contact and touch each other as well as lay on each other. It’s a very hard work and we can only pray for them, cus of this hell of work they made to implement it in the game .
Wait… are you serious?
Yeah, fully. And, btw,Space X has successful start. YAH
Lads, it’s going down, yay.
How hot are the women npcs?
Lady Stephanie isn’t that bad herself.
Mods can fix everything
but i lost some respect for these cucky devs about the prostitution question
a simple yes/no answer would suffice
What was their answer? Link?0_o
they didn’t answer, because it was a stupid question and could be construed as a spoiler of sorts. that apparently means they’re kowtowing to the sjws which makes them cucks in the eyes of someone who wants to know if his purchase of lube isn’t going to be wasted.
Gothic had whores, Witcher had whores, if KCD doesn’t have whores that means they’re breaking the slavic tradition
and yes, i have doubts about KCD kowtowing to SJW’s, because everyone else does
every single company. if KCD had the balls to say "yes we will, feminists deal with it"
then my respect for KCD would go through the roof
but otherwise i’m still gonna enjoy their game, whores with or without.
Bro they literally shit on SJWs for saying the games racist for only having white people, my respect is already at max
Did I post this?
that was in 2015/2016
2018 people post a funny comback to Gamasutra&polygon and Rick (the community manager) bans everyone on the post
from the OP to commentors and nukes the thread from orbit (perma ban btw)
ban reasoning: "Talking about the company in an unfair light."
and i’m like what???
it seems that their PR department is busy making sure the polygon&cucks “hate speech” threads are deleted from the face of steam discussions and reddit
because they’re probably prepared for the $hitstorm that’s to come when reviews hit the fans
still doesn’t justify them targeting their own fans
Damn thwm hustoricly accurate devs that make a gamr based on 15th c. Bohemia without Asians ans Black peopoe,
Damn historians they ruined history !
Nooooo, that could be to realistic.
Each has it’s time and place. Just ask yourself where you are and what time is it?
yeah targetting their own fans is kinda bad but these cucks deserve to be gone