It said I will get a full game? How are were??
Hi @Sir_Sabbathius. Please get in contact with our community manager @DrFusselpulli. You can write a PM directly to him.
You’ve waited a long time man
Hello @Sir_Sabbathius,
thank you very much for getting in contact with us. First I need to identify you, to be able to give you the full game. I assume you are one of our Kickstarter backers?
Do you have a profile on our main page?
If you are a Kickstarter backer, I will need to know about the email which you used during our Kickstarter campaing in the beginning of 2014.
If you have an account on our main page, I will to know about your username there as well.
Please send both information to be as a private message.
If you are not a Kickstarter Backer, and you participated in the Beta, I assume you have a second profile on our main page, where you will find access to the full game now.