Hi everyone,
I am noticing a strong decline in backer-numbers paired with a slow increase of the total pledging-sum. It would surely help a lot if Warhorse would add more candy to the shop to atract more backers, but how could this be reached??
I mean more backing-money would help to reach more interesting stretch-goals and it also could increase the influence of us backers to the outcome of the final product!!
What we can learn from the very succesfull funding-strategy of SC is to sell ingame-content to the future Players. What about adding some different ingame item-bundles to the backers according to the height of their pledge??
Personally i dont like the way SC made so much money selling digital spaceships at hillarious prices, which also held me back from backing for SC!!
Surely more attractive than some maybe Balance and immersion-breaking ingame-items is to sell real-world items to future backers like it has been done in the original kickstarter-campaign!
Does the community have any ideas for shop-items that would even make them upping their original pledge like more swords, etc. ??
Best regards, Wolfgang