Ideas for the pledging platform?

Hi everyone,

I am noticing a strong decline in backer-numbers paired with a slow increase of the total pledging-sum. It would surely help a lot if Warhorse would add more candy to the shop to atract more backers, but how could this be reached??
I mean more backing-money would help to reach more interesting stretch-goals and it also could increase the influence of us backers to the outcome of the final product!!

What we can learn from the very succesfull funding-strategy of SC is to sell ingame-content to the future Players. What about adding some different ingame item-bundles to the backers according to the height of their pledge??
Personally i dont like the way SC made so much money selling digital spaceships at hillarious prices, which also held me back from backing for SC!!
Surely more attractive than some maybe Balance and immersion-breaking ingame-items is to sell real-world items to future backers like it has been done in the original kickstarter-campaign!

Does the community have any ideas for shop-items that would even make them upping their original pledge like more swords, etc. ??

Best regards, Wolfgang

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To be honest, I don’t know what it would take at this point to get more money out of me. I don’t need any real-life swords hanging on my wall. I can’t think of any in-game items I might want that wouldn’t wind up falling in the “pay-to-win” category (for example, a forge for my eventual workshop - if that’s even going to be an option in the shipped game). I don’t care for in-game pets or statues, so those are out for me. Really, the only thing I’d give money for is to have the game sooner but still at the highest possible quality (which cannot be done without time - so sooner isn’t an option).

I’m not the t-shirt or hat wearing type. I’m full up on coffee mugs and beer steins and other stuff from CafePress/Zazzle. I used to love game art books, but nowadays looking at pictures of a game is not nearly as interesting as playing the game.

As much as I admire the developers, I don’t have an especially strong desire to meet them or visit the offices (not to mention that I’m half a world away).

The fact is, they could wind up spending a lot of money on real-world rewards, money that could be better spent on the game itself.

Sorry, I know I’m no help.

They have said they plan to put more tiers in the pledge platform (probably resembling the kickstarter ones).
If that is the case i would be happy to increase my pledge for some physical goodies or things like ingame “crucifix”.
Infact if i didnt miss the KS campaing i would probably had choose something between earl and king.
On the other hand i’m totally not interested in early access (thats why i choose knight physical instead of baron).

Ps: i feel the same as you about the SC model… that held me back too.
Pps: sorry for my english

Concerning real world-items i would be happy to get a scabbard for my sword and would surely spend up to 200 Dollars or so to get it.
I agree with CHABUHI that more real world items are sadly not sensefull to raise the budget for the actual game-development and ingame items would break the balance, so there is not much left to motivate existing backers to upp their pledge other than reinstalling the higher ranks from the original ks-campaign.
Talking about the upper-tier oportunity to visit the developers, this is something i am really looking Forward to :-)!!

I can also understand that warhorse being happy to have a strong investor behind them are not highly dependent to raise the pledge-money coming from us “peanut-investors”. In fact the Close to 2 million Dollars raised through the pledging are like a drop on a hot stone when looking at production costs of approximately 30+ million Dollars for all three Acts!!