I need to rant a bit and maybe just maybe one of you can tell me how i can enjoy this game.
Dont get me wrong. I like this game. Its one of the few games where im really interessted in the story but the combat system destroys all teh fun im having.
Its not that i dont like the system that is in place and that i just want brainless button smashing but for the love of got stop giving me 5 enemy at once while i try to make the main quest.
Im currently trying to find ginger and got the quest from the coalburner to kill the bandits in the woods.
So i go there and it triggers the “get thrown off your horse stuff” and 3 enemys stand infront of me.
Well i cant fight them all at once so i run a bit and was able to get on my horse. For whatever reason they started to flee and i killed one guy while beeing on my horse.
My health was low so i decided to go back to the camp of the coalburnders and catch some sleep. After sleeping for a few hours my health was back up to around 80% and i thought “ok time to kill the other 2 bandits”.
So i go back in the forest and see one of them hiding in a bush. I go near him with my horse (with didn’t bother him) and tried to hit him with my sword. Eventhough i was right beside him i wasn’t able to hit him (My sword went clearly throu him) so i tapped w and my horse decided to throw me off again for some reason. I land on the ground and out of nothing 4 more guys are around me and start to hit me. I cant ride away because my horse throws me off whenever i get on it and i die.
So i restart go there again and 4 fully armed cumans attack me. Needless to say i startet running. For whatever reason one one of the cumans follow me and im able to fight him in a 1vs1 which i win. He kneels and i have the option to talk to him and decide to go with the option to kill him. But instead of just killing him like i expected he just stands up, his mate arrives and they kill me again.
Im lvl 5 and cant do shit.
Do i have to grind sidequest just so i can make the first few main quests?
I just want to experience the storys that KCD tells and have some interresting combat.
But right now i die, reload, try to somehow with a lot of luck win the fights i have to win for my quest, die again, and repeat that until im lucky enough or the ki dumb enough so can progess.
That really destroys the game for me…