me too bro…
Tak doufam, že jsi už na tom hradě byl, když to jsem postuješ =P
Could somebody tell me to what I agreed right now? I didn´t buy a House did I?
No bohužel ne
take your time as you want.
keep up the good work.
what marvelous places, amazing country and people. Felt in love with Prague also.
Visited this castle with my school 4 years ago
Just wondering can anyone see my badge?
yes we can see your Baron badge!
Už vyšla ta alpha? Říkalo se, že vyjde 22. října. Kde jí sosnu?
Delas si prdel? Proc si neprectes aspon prvni prispevek??
Je v ní zatím strašně bugů a doladují ji.Mohla by byt dneska večer.
Možná proto, že moje angličtina stojí za prd. Už chápeš?
english please
Were is this? I must see it too…
It’s not fait to other users to speak czech in english forum. You would also hate someone starting to speak Lithuanian or Moroccan arabic in the middle of an english thread.
To si alfu asi moc neužiješ.
Yes indeed…
In the ninth class (school) we were once in Prague
It was our graduation ride in the ninth.
I love the east countrys… pure romance
Karlštejn castle, out of Prague
O mě se nestarej. V alfě stejnak bude minimum věcí.
fantastiskt att köra sitt eget språk här, synd ingen förstår