[INFO] KCD Early Alpha Access (Date, How to etc.)

not exactly… but if it is possible for foregin languages…
please write your sentences in english under the german/czech or others too.
A friendly language community.

At this point I would like to say that @TobiTobsen is one of the best mods / admins / managers I’ve met in my entire internet time


tak co, kdy to bude, psal někdo už něco ?:slight_smile:

Please, write it in english! This is english part of the forum.

“So, is there some information when it will come?”

okay you was faster @tunak :blush:

As far as I know, the page will be updated when it’s time, so if/when the site goes down you know the alpha is close

Proč tě to zajímá? Ty do alfa verze stejně přístup nemáš.

Why do you care? You have no access to alpha anyway.

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I am from Czech Rep so I understand :smiley: but other people can not understand.

Let’s suppose he is looking forward to some “let’s crash to desktops” on youtube. :smiley:

Thank you Dekssan for the example post :wink: :sunny:


Wow, day of first alpha and the forum is already blown away by spam (like this one)… :smiley:


Excitedly waiting to check out the walk around engine that everyone will think is supposed to be a full working game :stuck_out_tongue: @TobiTobsen, don’t be disparaged by those who do not understand how gaming development works. We are here waiting would love to have a working walk around engine vs a broken one that CTD all the time :).


doufám, že to budete někdo streamovat :slight_smile:

He hopes someone will stream “it”.

Platí tu pravidlo, že se v obecných fórech komunikuje jen anglicky.
There is a rule you should communicate in English outside the Other language forum.

I like it, its like a big party where we can meet all the Warhorse fans. Lets enjoy this, its a single player game so maybe this is the only time where we meet all together and chat. So lets grab a piece of pizza and enjoy, its all about fun. :pizza: :smiley:


My super awesome colleague just brought me lunch so everything is fine now. I can stop being sad and start being awesome again! :smiley:


píšu čechům, kterí tu jsou, ostatní to číst nemusí.

I ate pizza the day before yesteday. No more pizza this week. But I have some rye and beans mash for lunch so “cheers”. :smile:

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Ty vole, piš anglicky, toto je anglická část fóra. Urážíš všechny, kteří česky neumí.

Dude, write in english, this is english part of the forum. You are offending all the people who can’t read czech

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People, be patient !
I work nearby and I have feeling that out of that house starts to smoke :slight_smile: