[INFO] KCD Early Alpha Access (Date, How to etc.)

He writes just to the Czech people here. The other are not supposed to read it.

Takhle to nefunguje. Je to nezdvořilé. Jak můžeš vědět, že tu někdo česky vůbec mluví? Moje angličtina taky není zrovna prvotřídní, ale snažím se. Zkus to taky. Přinejhorším se něco naučíš.

It doesn’t work that way. It’s rude. And how do you know there are some Czech speaking people around in the first place? Neither my English is exactly first class but I try nevertheless. Try it also. In the worst case you will learn something.


You are but a simpleton, a troll. Why should we give our key which we paid for away to you which misspells on purpose and tries to annoy.

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Where does all that rude people come from? But I really appreciate those guys around here translating the rude peoples language for us :smiley:

Není důvod tu psát něco česky, pač ta Alfa stejně dneska nebude, pokud tam maj spoustu bugů, tak ať to postí jindy, mě tohle bylo jasný už od začátku a ani bych se nedivil, kdyby ta hra nespatřila světlo světa. =)


ok, detail … anyway, I am at home and nothing :frowning:

if u can translate what u just said that would be a step forward to growing up and realize u don’t ask for those kind off things thank you and goodbye


“I’m an idiot. I suffered brain damage and that’s the reason why I can’t read.”


I think we should buy some pizza and send it to Warhorse, to give them more energy to release the Alpha :smiley: Would create quick kickstarter for this if that was possible :smiley:

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Considering Kickstarter rules they would probably starve to death. :smiley:

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:smiley: :smiley:


Hey, I know that quote :wink:
As long as I can still download it (which would be until tomorrow) everything is fine for me. Otherwise I need to download it at work :X

Is the website running really slowly right now for anyone else, or is it just me? My connection seems to be just fine on other sites. I wonder if it’s a lot of people trying to view the forum right now or something else.

Yep, definitely slower for me too

yes not only for you
and I get thrown back to the main site sometimes when being in the forum

Yaayy… praise the magnificent beard! :smile:

Is it possible that they update the forum while it´s still running? If yes,it could be the reason for the slowdown.

Only reason I’m wondering is the forum was just upgraded about a week ago. I don’t know if there’s anything being uploaded with the alpha right now and if that would affect overall site performance briefly, but it could be a combination of things.

Absolute best translation yet! I first ran this through google translate, but your translation is waaay better! Still laughing :slight_smile:

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