Hi all,
I am not sure if this has been posted before, but when I try to interrogate the prisoner in Mehorjed(sp?), when I finish the game crashes. Tried twice, and tried to finish another quest before, same result.
Hi all,
I am not sure if this has been posted before, but when I try to interrogate the prisoner in Mehorjed(sp?), when I finish the game crashes. Tried twice, and tried to finish another quest before, same result.
A lot of people are having the same problem.
+1 on this. PC version.
+1 reproduced on PC (steam client, latest version 1.4.1, no MOD’s, english lang)
Same here, it CTD at Straw cut scene when you enter his house, and if you bypass that, and continue the quest, it just bugs out at the prisoner. Most, if not all, PC players are stuck on that same quest. I am just goofing off finding treasures and getting screen shots while I wait for a patch lol
I have the same problem. I found out that, any interaction with NPC Straw (killing him, knocking him out, stealing from him) crashes the game. Problem is inside this NPC. I hope they gonna relase path soon.
I skipped the whole help merhojed thing and went straight for the prisoner. Chok3d the guard out. Lockpicked the door. Killed the bandit and took the evidence.
I fund the way to pass this crash play in windows mode whine pass the interrogation keep press ESCAPE rapidity And you will pass