Inverted Mouse - NOT Inverted Combat Wheel

Any word on this yet? I can’t engage in combat as is :frowning:

Apparently they know about this but will probably have to wait until 1.4

‘Invert’ either y-axis or x-axis has pertained to camera movement only for the past 30+ years in 99.9% of games that have it. It makes no more sense to invert the combat radial than it does to invert movement in the menu; the radial IS a menu. There is no other game where x or y-axis ‘inversion’ also change menu navigation.

The current state doesn’t even mimic camera movement behind the primary axis; i.e., upper right movement would result in an attack from the lower left. There is NOTHING intuitive about the current implementation (still unfixed as of 1.4): move mouse to upper-right for a lower right attack? That makes absolutely no sense; is camera motion going to be from behind the primary axis or on the primary axis, it’s one or the other.

Coming here to bump all these threads as i still cannot play the game in it’s current state.
Oh well guess it’s back to The Witcher 3 and Far Cry 5 on my days off in the meantime.

That’s a great pity that this is not fixed yet. Looks like changes are somewhere in the compiled binaries not in scripts.

Found a temporary solution here.

Unfortunately it seems WH veteran programmers doesn’t want to fix it. If you are using a user.cfg you can work around it by adding 2 lines.

bind 0 “cl_invertMouse 0”
bind 9 “cl_invertMouse 1”

When combat starts press 0 and the mouse will be normal when you are done with combat press 9 and mouse will be inverted again. You can change the bind key if you want but for some reason it wouldn’t let me make it any of the following keys: “” “|” “[” “]”

It works for me on the GoG version so it should work for the steam version.

Also it is said there that it is possible to put it in users.cfg

Just add it to the user.cfg file where the game is installed (right click game name select local files tab then press browse local files). If you don’t have a user.cfg in the directory just make one with notepad and save there. Lastly, be sure to add a
+exec user.cfg
to the launch options for the game.

I tried and it worked ok.
For example I bound the inversion for cursor keys like this

bind up “cl_invertMouse 0”
bind down “cl_invertMouse 1”

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So did someone look at this in Feb or??

It really irks me that not only is the combat wheel inverted leading to the poking playstyle (which removes a large chunk of the game), but using the grindstone is also inverted so while moving the mouse forward rotates your view forward, it also rotates the sword backwards on the grindstone which is the completed opposite of what an inverted control should be.

It should be exactly like the controls in an aeroplane where moving the control forward rotates the view/object forward.

I can’t even begin to conceive how mirrored controls for the combat wheel and the grindstone would even begin to make sense. In fact I made a forum account solely to leave this comment.

Also, your quoting system is broken.

Just to keep people updated, they just fixed this problem in patch 1.5. You can now turn off or on invert mouse during combat in the control options.