Is it legit to exploit leveling in Skalitz?

The description of From the Ashes gave a distinct impression that it’s going to be a separate timeline with a different protagonist even. I may be wrong, but that’s how it sounded.

If you watch the videos you will see Henry being rewarded the title of bailiff after the assault on Privislavitz. It fits in right in the middle of the game. No separate timeline, no separate protagonist.

From the Ashes is the rebuilding of Prybyslavitz where Henry gets appointed Bailiff and needs to choose people to fill jobs and decide which buildings get built where/when.

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You basically become a governor of a town.

I see, so the new bailiff is Henry. That’s nice. Time to grow that beard.

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At the moment, I was able to get a sword at the beginning and then hit Libshek or whatever the shovel guy is called. He ´´died´´ and simply stopped moving. I leveled strength to 8 with this but then he started moving. I guess you could nock him down with stealth if you are smart to keep him down forever. That way you could level up all 4 main stats, sword and warfare.

From the ashes is set in the same time line and same character. From the ashes is where you become a bailiff of the destroyed town in the north. You will be in charge of it rebuidling and manging.
You need to check their youtube mate they have a trailer for it.

The description was on way before the video, so I didn’t yet get to that bit of information at that point - no need to get snotty about it, mate.

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If my comment sounded snotty I do appolgise for that, i only ment to be informative.