Is it legit to exploit leveling in Skalitz?

I heard some people use Kunesh in Skalitz to practice their skills(since he can’t be killed). And by doing so you can max out most of your skills in just 15 mins. Is it legit to do that? It sounds game breaking to me to make your character a god at beginning of the game. But others might think it is just how the leveling system works in this game.

Really? I need to try this out.

Also It’s only game breaking for your game. This isn’t al multiplayer so saying it’s game breaking like it’s someone hacking on a multiplayer. Besides, what does it matter? When mods start releasing for both the PC and Console there will be mods that will give you character max skills with all perks, unlimited gold, and god mode.

It´s on you…
For me it´s a bug, and should be fixed ASAP!
With this you can kill mostly everyone in Skaliz and the introduction makes no sense…

Sounds like fun after I beat the game. The killing part - not the exploiting. Wonder if you can murder Henry’s parents yourself. They are doomed to die anyways.

Yes i also think it as a BUG needs to be fixed ASAP.
And yes someone managed to kill all “killable” people in prelude but in cut-scene they all just resurrected…

I think there should be limited. Like in some rpgs you can only obtain expierence once from the same character, to obtain another exp you have to face against other character

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It’s been patched. You used to be able to kill just about anyone, not sure about his parents, but Kunesh is a quest character so he had infinite health. You could knock out a farmer to get an axe and a dagger and then go knock out Kunesh, drag him into his house, and beat him until you got the desired skills. You can also get lock picks from Fritz and you can pick herbs to max out just about every skill before leaving. You hit auto saves as you do quests for you dad so so long as you dont do those missions time does not go by and you have all the time you need to mess around.

I updated to patch 1.6 and the Kunesh exploit no longer works, have not looked into Herbalism or other stuff. You can still knock out that farmer and get an axe and dagger and, if luck is on your side, you can knock out a guard and get armor and weapons right off the bat.

I was extremely upset when I found this all out and then realized you cannot knock out Vyrnek(the trainer from the beginning of the game)…so sad, I want his gear.

i got up to herbalism 17. i put in the time, and didn’t harm anyone in doing so. to me, this isn’t an exploit. this is just compensation for performing tedious, non-abusive tasks

looted swords… sharpened and improved maintenance skill. this is actually stupid that Henry isn’t funneled into this anyhow (otherwise he is per Martin’s words ‘experienced at black(sword)smithing’ and yet leaves Skalitz without said skill) :nerd_face:

took an axe to the sheep and got meat and improved axe skill. ridiculous that vendors don’t find it odd that the blacksmith’s son suddenly cometh forth with loads of cooked lamb. :roll_eyes:

punched the cows and gained a good amount of strength, agility and main leveling. had to pay the catchpole for the abuse one time but then i knocked him out and took my fine back … and a few of his things :shushing_face: if you get bloodlust, you can kill the cows. again, beyond silly that the blacksmith son’s shows up with whole sides of cooked beef for sale to the town vendors and they don’t get suspicious. :roll_eyes:

a few villagers walk the path next to the palisade… stealth level exploit. left Skalitz with stealth kill perk. silly that peeps don’t get more suspicious and/or reactive (run to catchpole/bailiff to report issue and then that trigger patrolling guards in addition to those standing watch at the gates.) :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

have 6 long Skalitz waffenrock and at least 2 short ones… so KO’ed guards/catchpole at least 8 times. they really need to react better to getting KO’ed. (last time i saw this fella i ended up asleep and in my undies so i better be more vigilant around him. the NPCs should check their backs more and get more territorial about space after getting KO’ed each time, etc) :confounded:

at one time had over 500 Gr but upon reloading the save the money was gone. no tears.

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How long ago? I just restarted two nights ago and I found you cant cheese your skills with Kunesh anymore…did they fix anything else?

me? all since 1.6 release including yesterday

Vanyek hostile/nonresponsive bug is fixed. beyond NPC behavior improvements which may be hardcore mode related, i’m not sure of other changes

So everything except Kunesh, dope. I may restart, throw it into Hardcore mode and then do this…mainly interested in the more intense eating and sleeping needs and the lack of a HUD/having to navigate. Seems hard but immersive.

I just kinda did what I was supposed to do and pushed through. I really just want to advance the game to where I’m Master Huntsman, now that that has been worked on a bit, and then wait out From the Ashes


to rebuild Pribyslavitz and get my house there and see what that’s all about.

I just wish I could kill/KO Vanyek and get his kit, you can run into him later at whatever camp that is that Eric is leader of but can you kill him there? I WANT HIS KIT!

As best I can tell, Vanyek was and will remain nontargetable outside the scripted fights.

In 1.5, I killed almost all of Vranik and in so doing drew his attention. He followed me outside the palisade wall and engaged me. Problem was KCD kept him protected so I couldn’t neutralize him.

I flirted with the idea but then I noticed the raining of carcasses in the distance as I passed through the nearby paths

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Im on Xbone and have previously attained the Master Huntsman title…only problem I faced was goods in my chest were stolen, my hunted game was still considered poached and I don’t recall if my bed offered a save or not. Even the quest line itself, which had a bunch of complaints, worked out well for me. Mostly upset about stolen status really

Also the lack of a world chest, if I remember correctly there wasnt a world chest in the cottage

though raining bodies sounds hilarious…were they at least lootable?

iirc, I shot some red deer in forest that the Rattay-Vranik path cuts through. the deer were killed and harvested within the woods. when I returned though, at the distance where the game tries to churn out detail/trigger events, I noticed the carcasses dropping from 1-2M above the nearby path. the carcasses respawn repeatedly and take a long time to disappear… and haven’t seen decomposition models. at any rate, it’s a minorly annoying distraction

thats awesome. I guess I havn’t had them fall from the sky but in the Talmberg forest I had a problem with carcasses not despawning at all. Not really a problem except if I killed a new deer next to one I’d already killed I could mistake the bodies. But eh, I really hunt for sport…money can be made so many ways. Plus, unless they added a world chest to the Huntsman lodge than I had to travel encumbered to the local Inn outside Talmberg and transfer all my shit, which takes a little longer; I like to load it all back up into inventory in Rattay Mill and sell there.

Hunter/Traveling Merchant style

It’d make perfect sense to get your levelling-up done there. You will not be having time-sensitive quests failing or disappearing as can happen later in the game when trying you are spending time trying to get your skill levels up. The levelling is really slow and best get it done early and enjoy the game later.

I would say for the first play through skip the exploit just to play it as intended but after that you may as well level up early and just do what you want; especially for my play style where I just want to become the Huntsman and get my cottage and then just sandbox from there…until From the Ashes comes out anyway

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