Is the alpha update out yet?!


David: Is it out yet?
Jakub: NOT YET!


Keep your Steam running. If it loads some big update, it might be KCD :smiley:

How big are we talking?

I’m not an official member of the team, but I doubt the alpha has a proper update mechanism. Therefore it might happen that a lot of the files will be updated.

any time frame when the update will come?
I keep steam running anyways though… just curious

Nope, they’re working on it. That’s all I know. How long it takes depends on the effort they make in wrapping it all up in a nice digital Christmas present :slight_smile:

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So guys, bad news!

We are working on it!

All Alpha workers are in the studio and do everything to release it today. But it looks like a long night… again! I am sorry for that guys. But remember! In American Samoa it’s still December the 17th 06:49 in the morning. So there are still 17hours to be on time! :smiley:


dont worry
would be cool if you release it in the next 6 hours though

and dont set your time schedule too tight next time


Lol no problem @TobiTobsen we can wait… NO JUST KIDDING OMG GUYS U SO BAD WTF I CANCEL K THX BAI!


Alright, the first thing I’m gonna do with alchemy is mix some potion with valerian just for @MINTEEER

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How do you know it is there? (it is, I saw it in the book in video — “Kozlík”)

I actually didn’t know it but since it’s about herbalism and everyone knows valerian, I would’ve been surprised if that wasn’t an option to put your enemies to sleep.

I know just valyrian steel :slight_smile:


Ah! I completly forgot that simple fact :- )

My first though too, until I used mighty Google translator :slight_smile:

PFFFT, I aint sleeping, im gonna wait for the update and play the SHIZ out of it :smiley:

Same here! :slight_smile: I wont gonna sleep, I will wait and write the SHIZ about it! :slight_smile:


Could you give a rough estimate of when it could be out :wink:

Sorry, not possible! :frowning: